
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Haunted by danger of collapse

28 Jun 2012

Another week, another summit. Yet, writes Eddie Ford, with five euro countries now members of the bailout club and Germany declining to foot the bill, there is a distinct danger that the euro will collapse

Economic woes and new scandals

28 Jun 2012

The labour 'reforms' have finally been pushed through parliament, but president Napolitano could be brought down over alleged Mafia contacts. Toby Abse reports

Taking up extreme opposition

21 Jun 2012

The victory of the troika's patsies in the Greek elections should be met with determined class resistance - across Europe, argues Paul Demarty

High noon for the euro

21 Jun 2012

The G20 summit has seen desperate, last-minute moves to prevent debt catastrophe engulfing Spain and Italy, writes Eddie Ford. But is it just more rhetoric?

The EC-IMF-ECB cometh

14 Jun 2012

Euphoria over the Spain bailout 'triumph' proved to be very short-lived, writes Eddie Ford

Planless G8 leaders face abyss

24 May 2012

Angela Merkel and the European Central Bank seem determined to resist calls for Eurobonds and a 'Marshall Plan'-style stimulus package, says Eddie Ford

A weapon for the movement

10 May 2012

Comrades in London are beginning their collective study of Marx's Capital. Jack Conrad introduces what is still an unequalled work

Getting close to the edge

03 May 2012

With the UK officially entering a double-dip recession and European voters turning against austerity, writes Eddie Ford, crisis is everywhere

Charities up in alms

19 Apr 2012

George Osborne's tax changes have been criticised for threatening charity in this country - if only, laments Paul Demarty

Expecting the unexpected

12 Apr 2012

The euro crisis never went away. But resistance to austerity is certain to intensify, says Eddie Ford

Pouring oil on stormy waters

05 Apr 2012

The government's supposed 'Thatcher moment' has backfired spectacularly, writes Eddie Ford

Moralistic gesture politics

29 Mar 2012

What has David Cameron been drinking? Michael Copestake takes a look

Revenge of trickledown economics

29 Mar 2012

George Osborne's budget shows that we are not 'all in it together', writes Eddie Ford

Value, prices and probabilities

22 Mar 2012

What is the connection between value and price? Moshé Machover concludes his discussion of the labour theory of value

The centrality of labour-power

15 Mar 2012

Moshé Machover begins his examination of the labour theory of value by looking at the preliminaries

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