
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Capitalism: Declining forms, failing system

08 Aug 2013

What does austerity tell us about capitalism itself? Hillel Ticktin discusses three key features

Eurozone: Road to nowhere

01 Aug 2013

Why does the European bourgeoisie insist on austerity despite the virtual certainty that it cannot succeed? Hillel Ticktin digs beneath the official claims

World economy: Unforseen consequences

04 Jul 2013

The market has failed and cannot but fail. Yet there are small intimations of fundamental change, argues Critique editor Hillel Ticktin

Brazil: Half riot, half carnival

27 Jun 2013

Pent-up anger has exploded. Millions have taken to the streets. Eddie Ford looks at the sorry results of the coalition politics pursued by a once much vaunted Workers Party

From finance capital to austerity muddle

13 Jun 2013

While economic growth is proving elusive, there are clear signs of stagnation and disintegration, argues Critique editor Hillel Ticktin

Review: Method and the dialectic

30 May 2013

Mike Macnair completes his review of: Guglielmo Carchedi, 'Behind the crisis: Marx’s dialectics of value and knowledge'. Haymarket Books, 2012, pp303, £20

What drives capital’s global crises?

23 May 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: Guglielmo Carchedi, 'Behind the crisis: Marx’s dialectics of value and knowledge', Haymarket Books, 2012, pp303, £20

Reinhart and Rogoff: Austerity myth debunked

25 Apr 2013

The UK has been downgraded again and total national debt has risen. Even by George Osborne’s own criteria, writes Eddie Ford, Plan A has been an abject failure

Mick Philpott: Class war offensive on benefits

11 Apr 2013

The Tories and their allies in the media have made full use of the tragic death of six children to attack welfare in general, writes Michael Copestake

EU bailout: After Cyprus, who next?

28 Mar 2013

Of course, writes Eddie Ford, the troika bailout is ‘unique’ and ‘exceptional’ - just like all the others

UK downgrade: No alternative to stagnation

28 Feb 2013

Britain’s credit rating may have been downgraded, writes Eddie Ford, but in reality that was more a judgement on the state of the world economy

Italy: More of the same

24 Jan 2013

There will be another round of cuts and austerity, whoever wins the general election, writes Toby Abse

Italy: The end of Mario Monti?

20 Dec 2012

Toby Abse reports on the latest manoeuvres in Rome

Starbucks tax: A system built for playing

13 Dec 2012

The Starbucks tax fiasco tells us much more about Britain than greedy corporations, reckons Paul Demarty

Austerity: The madness of a dying system

29 Nov 2012

The ruling class has no alternative to austerity and the drive to create a pristine capitalism. Not only is that impossible, but, as shown by South Africa, the working class is beginning to revolt. This is an edited version a speech by Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, on November 17

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