
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

November 14 strikes: Europe unites to resist austerity

22 Nov 2012

As the EU slips into recession, November 14 gave us a taste of what is possible, argues Eddie Ford

EU budget: ‘Official communists’ welcome Miliband’s conversion to austerity

08 Nov 2012

Europhobes of all political hues have tasted blood following the coalition government’s defeat over the EU budget, writes Eddie Ford

Pay: Living wage farce

08 Nov 2012

Minimum pay should be determined by workers’ commissions, argues Michael Copestake

UK Economy: Bumping along the bottom

01 Nov 2012

Whilst the UK economy is officially no longer in a recession, writes Eddie Ford, it remains in deep trouble

EU summit: Berlin demands yet more austerity

25 Oct 2012

The October 18 EU summit was another exercise in procrastination, argues Eddie Ford, and Spain shows the worst is almost certainly not over

Economics of the madhouse

25 Oct 2012

Hillel Ticktin reviews: Paul Krugman' End this depression now!', Norton, New York, 2012, pp272, £14.99

Keynes: The great saviour and his leftwinger converts

18 Oct 2012

Capitalism is in terminal decline. So why, asks Jack Conrad, do so many on the left advocate not socialism, but increased government spending, deficit financing and Keynesian solutions?

Economic crisis: Awarded for services rendered

18 Oct 2012

The EU has been given the Nobel Prize, but quite clearly the whole project is in danger of falling apart, writes Eddie Ford

Economy: Troika demands yet more austerity

04 Oct 2012

The euro crisis could trigger nationalist disintegration, warns Eddie Ford

Crisis, theory and politics

27 Sep 2012

Nick Rogers interviews Andrew Kliman, New York-based Marxist economist and author of The failure of capitalist production1

Inferno for the proletariat

13 Sep 2012

Toby Abse reviews: Bill Emmott 'Good Italy, bad Italy: why Italy must conquer its demons to face the future', Yale University Press, 2012, pp299, £18.99

Rooted in capitalism

16 Aug 2012

Nick Rogers responds to Arthur Bough

Stuck in the neoclassical world

26 Jul 2012

Nick Rogers bases his economic analysis on a reality which had ceased to exist even in Engels’s time, writes Arthur Bough

Miliband clutches at banking straws

12 Jul 2012

Labour’s plans for ‘root and branch’ reform of the banks will hardly touch the corruption that is endemic to the system, writes Eddie Ford

Value, profit and crisis

05 Jul 2012

Nick Rogers reviews Andrew Kliman The failure of capitalist production Pluto Press, London, 2012, pp256, £17.99

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