
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Campaign and reality

11 May 2017

In this edited version of her speech to the CPGB aggregate, Yassamine Mather looks at Donald Trump’s foreign policy after his first hundred days

Playing dangerous games

20 Apr 2017

Donald Trump’s swaggering brinksmanship is a reminder of the fragility of the global order, argues Paul Demarty

After the fall of Aleppo

12 Jan 2017

Opposition to imperialism does not mean support for Assad, argues Yassamine Mather, and the myth of the moderate opposition is busted

Iran deal dead and buried

24 Nov 2016

How will the Trump presidency impact on the Middle East? Yassamine Mather looks at the possibilities

Silence is as good as compliance

17 Nov 2016

Iain McNicol has banned discussion of Zionism, anti-Semitism and the internal witch-hunt, reports Tony Greenstein

No democratic advert

10 Nov 2016

Trump’s victory could destabilise the established world order. However, there are mixed reactions to the new administration, says Yassamine Mather

A tale of two cities

27 Oct 2016

Yassamine Mather contrasts media coverage of Mosul and East Aleppo

Calling upon imperialism is complete madness

20 Oct 2016

Yassamine Mather delivered this opening to the October 16 CPGB and Labour Party Marxists aggregate

Boris Johnson’s useful idiots

13 Oct 2016

The Stop the War conference was marked by a pro-imperialist stunt, reports Simon Wells

Syrian disaster

06 Oct 2016

The strategy of allying with the enemy of one’s enemy has plagued the Kurdish opposition for decades. But it is a road to nowhere, writes Yassamine Mather

Don’t rely on imperialists

22 Sep 2016

The US government and various rightwing groups have feigned concern for ‘human rights’ in both Argentina and Iran, writes Yassamine Mather

Russia is not about to invade

22 Sep 2016

Eddie Ford does not want British armed forces ‘fit’ for fighting a world war - instead they should be replaced by a people’s militia

Imperialists bearing gifts

25 Aug 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the changing alliances in the war in Syria

Conniving with the Tories

21 Jul 2016

The vote to renew Trident demonstrated that the Labour right will stop at nothing in their desire to be rid of Jeremy Corbyn, writes Peter Manson

Legacy of Bush and Blair

21 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather comments on the Nice massacre

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