
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Pax Americana Britannica

25 Mar 2021

The defence review shows that ‘global’ Britain is totally subservient to the US, writes Eddie Ford

Star Wars posturing

26 Nov 2020

Boris Johnson’s plan to squander billions on the armed forces in order to extend Britain’s ‘global influence’ is fully supported by Starmer’s Labour Party, notes Eddie Ford

Their fables and ours

15 May 2020

World War II is a breeding ground for comforting myths, argues Paul Demarty - for both the bourgeoisie and the left

Where is the strategy?

07 May 2020

Support for a ‘global ceasefire’ is acceptable, argues Paul Demarty, but not if it obscures the causes of war

The war is set to continue

06 Mar 2020

Trump’s agreement with the Taliban shows that the United States has comprehensively failed in achieving its stated objectives, argues Yassamine Mather.

War of the drones

31 Oct 2019

Technology is fast changing the military-political landscape, writes Ted Crawford.

Looking for new answers

10 Oct 2019

Lorna Anderson completes her report of a recent visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Poised to invade Rojava

08 Aug 2019

Esen Uslu examines Erdoğan’s plans for establishing protectorates in Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq.

A convenient enemy

21 Feb 2019

Hillel Ticktin delves beneath the propaganda to reveal what is really driving the friction between Russia and the west

US and Israel yearning to unleash mayhem

17 Jan 2019

Yassamine Mather examines what lies behind Israeli air strikes against Iranian targets in Syria

Quantum computing has arrived

22 Nov 2018

Yassamine Mather explains why the next generation of computers offers both huge opportunities and huge dangers

Sent to the slaughter

15 Nov 2018

Remembrance Day reminds us that under capitalism peace is just the continuation of war by other means, writes Eddie Ford

A form of warfare

11 Oct 2018

Eddie Ford thinks we should take hacking threats seriously - especially from GCHQ

Bad allies, bad timing

14 Jun 2018

Sometimes countries are just plain unlucky. Yassamine Mather looks at Iran and its fraught international relations

Trump, the peacemaker?

03 May 2018

Eddie Ford is sceptical about the recent love-fest between the Korean leaders

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