
Imperialism & War > United States

Nato paralysis and US decline

17 Jun 2011

No candidate to replace the USA exists or looks likely to arise, writes James Turley

Repackaging the ancien régime

13 Aug 2020

Is the priority getting rid of Trump at all costs? Daniel Lazare takes a look at the reactionary nature of the Biden-Harris programme

Going straight downhill

06 Aug 2020

Who’s trying to rig the US elections, asks Daniel Lazare - Republicans, Democrats or both?

Strategy of tension

30 Jul 2020

Forces supposedly opposed to an authoritarian takeover are helping to pave the way for it, writes Daniel Lazare

Trouble at Fort Hood

16 Jul 2020

As battles rage over Confederate symbols in the US military, Paul Demarty asks what the left has to learn

A plague on both houses

16 Jul 2020

Trump has rewarded Roger Stone and the Democrats want Julian Assange cruelly punished, says Daniel Lazare

Double or quits

09 Jul 2020

Donald Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech sets a belligerent tone for the rest of the presidential campaign, writes Paul Demarty

Toppling over a cliff

02 Jul 2020

It is not just Trump’s fault that cases of Covid-19 are soaring, writes Daniel Lazare

End of the Donald?

25 Jun 2020

Suddenly everything seems to be going wrong for the president, says Daniel Lazare

Trump: three questions

19 Jun 2020

Daniel Lazare looks at the possibilities in the presidential election

America explodes - again

04 Jun 2020

As Trump exploits middle class fears we should expect more tyranny, not less, writes Daniel Lazare

The Biden disaster

28 May 2020

Daniel Lazare recalls the consistently reactionary politics of the Democratic presidential candidate

Old radicals, new liberals

21 May 2020

The refusal of Democratic Socialists of America to back Joe Biden is more than welcome, argues Jim Creegan

Fanning the flames

21 May 2020

Donald Trump is using Covid-19 to ratchet up the new cold war against China, writes Eddie Ford

Inconvenient memory

15 May 2020

Jim Creegan points to the hypocrisy of both those attacking Joe Biden over accusations of sexual abuse and those defending him

Coronavirus and the political organism

23 Apr 2020

There is now a hole where a superpower used to be, writes Daniel Lazare

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