
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

On to the red republic

22 Sep 2022

The funeral of Elizabeth Windsor released a torrent of treacle. Paul Demarty welcomes the growing republicanism of young people, but, it is clear, we still have a mountain to climb

God save the king, the Starmer regime

22 Sep 2022

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists calls for rebellion against the blue Labour monarchism being foisted on the Liverpool conference

Behind the death mask

15 Sep 2022

Paul Demarty goes in search of Elizabeth Windsor’s personality and finds very little apart from cynicism, unpleasantness and self-entitlement

Learn from Oliver Cromwell

15 Sep 2022

With Charles III, no fundamental change to the monarchy will be delivered from above, writes Eddie Ford. The institution serves capitalism wonderfully as part of its system of checks and balances against democracy

Loyal to king and capital

15 Sep 2022

Yassamine Mather takes issue with those on the left who think the SNP is ‘left of centre’

Storm clouds gather

08 Sep 2022

Liz Truss denounced ‘handouts’ and ‘redistribution’ on the campaign trail - now she has announced a £100 billion energy price cap. Eddie Ford gives his day-one assessment of Britain’s new prime minister

After the summer of discontent

01 Sep 2022

The strike wave is set to grow in numbers, militancy and coordination. Paul Demarty warns that Liz Truss could respond by imposing wartime measures

From goch to pinc

11 Aug 2022

Mike Macnair critiques the ongoing political degeneration of Anticapitalist Resistance and the Mandelites

Happily flying blind

11 Aug 2022

Closure of the Tavistock GIDS clinic highlights the conflict between culture war politics and science, argues Isaac McCabe

A hot autumn too

11 Aug 2022

Things are clearly heading towards a monumental explosion of strikes and protests, writes Eddie Ford

Migration delusions

04 Aug 2022

The Tory leadership rivals’ attempts to outbid each other on being ‘hard on immigration’ promote delusions, argues Mike Macnair

The prince and the terrorist

04 Aug 2022

Yassamine Mather explores the fabulously rich bin Laden family and the links between the Middle East’s efficient royals and Britain’s dignified royals

Indy2, strikes and boycotts

28 Jul 2022

Why are the ‘official communists’ in such a muddle over the SNP’s bid to hold a legal referendum on independence? James Harvey critiques the YCL’s gensec

Gift that keeps on giving

28 Jul 2022

The Tories can neither abandon Brexit nor make it work. That means we can only expect more chaos, argues Paul Demarty

General strike call

28 Jul 2022

Leadership favourite Liz Truss has promised to impose ‘minimum service levels’ on striking workers just 30 days after coming into office. In response, Mick Lynch says he will campaign for the TUC to call a general strike. Eddie Ford comments

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