
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Nick Griffin: A rat on a sinking ship

09 Jan 2014

The collapsing British National Party is the victim of its own contradictions, not anti-fascism, writes Paul Demarty

Tories: Unite in the crosshairs

21 Nov 2013

The right’s crusade against Britain’s biggest union continues, reports Paul Demarty

Grangemouth: Gangster bosses and special measures

07 Nov 2013

The Grangemouth capitulation shows the limits of trade unionism, writes Eddie Ford

Making common cause

31 Oct 2013

Callum Williamson on the offensive against university workers and students

Education: Our free schools and theirs

31 Oct 2013

The left’s demands should look beyond what seems possible right now, argues Christina Black

Leveson, libel and lucre

17 Oct 2013

The overall result of the combination of Leveson and the Defamation Act is a major attack on freedom of speech and communication, argues Mike Macnair

Labour Party: Safe for capitalism

26 Sep 2013

Calling Miliband ‘Red Ed’ is a joke, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

UKIP: Dangers of nationalism

26 Sep 2013

Will Nigel Farage change the face of politics? Eddie Ford looks at the evidence

Lib Dems: Desperate to avoid wipe-out

19 Sep 2013

Nick Clegg has resorted to claiming that coalition government is a virtue in itself, writes Eddie Ford

Lobbying laws: Crude attack on unions

12 Sep 2013

Though in partial retreat, writes Eddie Ford, the government aims to use legislation to further stifle trade union activity and free speech in general

Syrian crisis: Miliband well placed to benefit

05 Sep 2013

Eddie Ford examines the impact on British politics of the Syrian crisis

Ukip blocked by a cynical Cameron

08 Aug 2013

Contrary to the expectations of many on the left, writes Eddie Ford, the winds of change in British politics are blowing to the right

Roar of the dead lion

01 Aug 2013

Eddie Ford wants to be spared any more royal babies and gilded easels

Crocodile tears over salary recommendation

18 Jul 2013

Eddie Ford thinks MPs should be accountable, recallable and live on a wage close to those they represent

People's Assembly: Political theatre and the 10 seconds

27 Jun 2013

Sarah McDonald argues that the politics needed by the working class are antithetical to those committed to the ‘principle’ of broadness

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