
Democracy & State > UK state

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

Criticism is not abuse

08 Feb 2018

Carla Roberts takes issue with proposals to outlaw 'abuse' of MPs

Are you listening, Theresa?

01 Feb 2018

Eddie Ford looks at the latest blue-on-blue manoeuvrings and jockeying for power

Hard, soft or no Brexit?

25 Jan 2018

The working class needs a strategy that tails neither big capital nor backward-looking politicians, argues Jack Conrad

Labour tails Tory rebels

21 Dec 2017

Calling the modern powers to revise statutes by regulations ‘Henry VIII clauses’ gives the whole Brexit exercise a spurious air of English antiquity, argues Mike Macnair

Back from the cliff edge

14 Dec 2017

The last-minute deal between British and European negotiators has averted disaster for now - but settles very little, argues Paul Demarty

Planning the final assault

07 Dec 2017

The introduction of ‘accountable care organisations’ could be the beginning of the end for the NHS, writes James Linney

Three scenarios to ponder

07 Dec 2017

The left must expect the unexpected after the next general election. Peter Manson reports

Negotiations end in chaos

07 Dec 2017

Even if Theresa May manages to strong-arm Brexit negotiations to their next phase, there is a long way to go. Paul Demarty asks if she has the staying power

It is a ‘binary choice’

30 Nov 2017

Working class independence and nationalism are two conflicting outlooks, writes Peter Manson

May on the brink

16 Nov 2017

As the resignations and scandals pile up, Paul Demarty wonders how long this dysfunctional government can last

Spooks and a Corbyn government

26 Oct 2017

Neither the secret state nor the armed forces have undergone any kind of fundamental change, warns Jack Conrad. They remain a clear and present danger

Hanging on by a thread

12 Oct 2017

While Theresa May has just about survived the Conservative Party conference, worse challenges lie ahead, reckons Paul Demarty

Dedicated staff soldier on

28 Sep 2017

The fight to save the NHS goes hand in hand with the fight to transform Labour, writes James Linney

California über alles

28 Sep 2017

Uber’s troubles in London are indicative of the brittleness of the Silicon Valley tech elite, argues Paul Demarty

Poisoned fudge

28 Sep 2017

Mike Macnair explains why NEC concessions to the JLM will only serve to whet the right’s appetite

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