
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Class-consciousness and the naked king

10 May 2007

Russian communist Boris Kagarlitsky, founder of the Moscow-based Institute of Globalisation Studies, speaks to Mark Fischer about Yeltsin, Putin, the liberal opposition and the workers' movement

Ten versus ten

10 May 2007

Jack Conrad offers an alternative to the Socialist Party's method and its programme in the run-up to this Saturday's conference of the Campaign for a New Workers' Party

'Don't criticise Iranian regime'

26 Apr 2007

At the April 19 activists' meeting of Campaign Iran, our call for principled internationalism was met with SWP-backed nationalist accusations of displaying an "imperial and colonial" viewpoint, which was "catastrophic for the people of Iran". Tina Becker reports

Ghosts of 2002, poverty of 2007

26 Apr 2007

The deeply divided French left has only itself to blame for its abysmal results in the presidential election. Peter Manson looks at the continuing decline of the Parti Communiste Français and the bankruptcy of the far left

Call to work harder

19 Apr 2007

Will Lindsey German split anti-Tory vote for London mayor? Simon Wells reports on the Respect meeting to select candidates for the Greater London Assembly elections

SWP backs the mullahs - official

12 Apr 2007

The Socialist Workers Party-backed Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (Casmii) effectively operates as an apologist for the regime sitting in Tehran, says Eddie Ford

Nationalist blind spot

29 Mar 2007

Sections of the left in Australia and New Zealand are happy to rail against what the US army is doing on the other side of the world, writes Scott Hamilton. But they fall into line when 'our troops' are involved in operations in our own backyard

Cross-class alliances endanger the struggle against Mugabe

22 Mar 2007

The past week has seen a stepping up of imperialist propaganda against the regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, especially in the US and UK. But what is the situation on the ground? Peter Manson spoke to Mike Sambo, national coordinator of the International Socialist Organisation Zimbabwe

Debate SWP won't have

22 Mar 2007

The March 20 'people's assembly', billed by the Stop the War Coalition as "the debate parliament won't have", was, of course, nothing of the sort. Phil Kent reports

Solidarity and SWP's favourite anti-semite

15 Mar 2007

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign wants to have it both ways over saxophonist Gilad Atzmon and the Deir Yassin Remembered group. Tony Greenstein (a founder member of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and a member of Jews Against Zionism) reports on the annual general meeting

Opportunism in Irish conditions

15 Mar 2007

Socialist Workers Party (Ireland) held its Marxism 2007 event in Dublin over the weekend of March 10-11. The event reflects, as it does in Britain, the current political and organisational state of the SWP. Anne Mc Shane reports

Nationalist squabbles

08 Mar 2007

On Saturday March 3 both the Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity held one-day policy conferences in Glasgow to finalise their respective manifestoes for the May 3 election to the Scottish parliament. Peter Manson comments

Fountains and fireworks

01 Mar 2007

Lawrence Parker reviews Raphael Samuel's The lost world of British communism (Verso, 2006, pp244)

Messenger or message?

01 Mar 2007

Peter Manson reports from the February 24 Stop the War Coalition demonstration in London

Heads in the sand

15 Feb 2007

Yassamine Mather reports on the Stop the War Coalition's Scottish conference - which missed the opportunity to seriously discuss the question of Iran

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