
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

David Broder 'no-platformed'

09 Aug 2007

Sean Matgamna? No thanks "¦ Mark Fischer continues the saga of the AWL's refusal to allow a comrade from its minority to speak at Communist University

Failure of the left

26 Jul 2007

Dale T McKinley reviews the decisions of the African National Congress policy conference in June and this month's 12th Congress of the South African Communist Party

Snail's pace split

26 Jul 2007

The July 11-15 12th Congress of the South African Communist Party saw the long drawn out process of an SACP split from the African National Congress continue at a snail's pace. Peter Manson comments

Bleeding obvious

26 Jul 2007

What exactly is the AWL frightened of? Mark Fischer wonders

Tower Hamlets disarray

12 Jul 2007

Huw Bynon reports on another setback for the SWP

Complacent indifference

12 Jul 2007

Peter Manson on the session 'Scotland - on the road to independence?'

Good theorist fallen amongst economists

12 Jul 2007

Mark Fischer reports on the session with Neil Davidson

Strategic thinking?

12 Jul 2007

Over a thousand people packed into the July 5 opening rally of this year's Marxism, held as usual in London's Friends Meeting House. Mark Fischer reports

Three faces of SWP

12 Jul 2007

Phil Kent on how the SWP puts on different hats for different purposes

Sickening apologetics

12 Jul 2007

SWP member Naz Massoumi addressed the session entitled 'Iran - from revolution to rogue state', reports James Turley

Workerist class?

12 Jul 2007

Chris Harman gave the opening speech in a session entitled 'How important is class today?', reports Dave Isaacson

Stop thuggery in workers' movement

12 Jul 2007

This year's Marxism was marred by a disgraceful physical assault by SWP national organiser Martin Smith. Mark Fischer demands the setting up of a workers' commission to investigate

SWP and morality

12 Jul 2007

An ideal opportunity to challenge the SWP leadership over its attitude to Martin Smith's thuggery came at the Sunday afternoon session aptly entitled 'Marxism and morality'. Peter Manson reports

Starting to think

12 Jul 2007

Starting to think

Proposition number one and one-dimensional Marxism

05 Jul 2007

The SWP leadership has jumped on the 'stop climate change' bandwagon. But, argues Jack Conrad, if they want to be taken seriously the first thing for them to do is to reformulate their proposition one

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