
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Many questions, no answers

16 Nov 2006

Last weekend saw the SWP attempt to win union militants to Respect. Alan Stevens reports on the Organising for Fighting Unions conference

Fuse workers' movement and Marxism

09 Nov 2006

Boris Kagarlitsky looks at the prospects and possibilities for the Russian left

Russia 1917 and the global revolution

26 Oct 2006

What were the conditions that made Russia ripe for revolution? What were the factors that led to its failure? Boris Kagarlitsky , one of Russia's leading Marxists, argues for a dialectical approach in analysing the Soviet Union and resuming the tasks of October

Military coups and soldiers' rights

26 Oct 2006

We are revolutionaries, not constitutional democrats, says Jim Moody - and takes the Alliance for Workers' Liberty to task

Loyal opposition

19 Oct 2006

Phil Kent reports on the fringe meeting organised by the International Socialist Group

Spin, deception and eclecticism

19 Oct 2006

If there was ever any doubt, Respect's third annual conference, held over the weekend of October 14-15, confirmed that the organisation is now indisputably a Socialist Worker Party front, writes Peter Manson. Despite efforts to prove the opposite, Respect is visibly shrinking

On the road to social democracy

05 Oct 2006

Ben Lewis reports from the Hanover programme convention of L.PDS and WASG

A lesson in Stalinism

05 Oct 2006

Members of the Socialist Workers Party tried to throw CPGB students out of a public meeting. Dave Isaacson reports

German left punished for coalitionism

21 Sep 2006

The poor performance of the reformist left, mass electoral apathy and the rise of the far right in the September 17 elections in two German states highlight the urgent need for a Marxist alternative. Ben Lewis reports

The tipping point

07 Sep 2006

Under the leadership of John Rees and Alex Callinicos, the International Socialist Tendency has swung violently to the right over the last year or two. That has directly affected the left in Zimbabwe. Here is a country ruled by gangsters, paralysed by successive opposition failures and undergoing a horrendous and seemingly never ending socioeconomic collapse. Despairing at the possibilityof organising a working class-led revolution against the Zanu-PFregime, some are now crudely mimicking the rainbow politics of Respect. Personifying this shift is Briggs Bomba (picture). A year ago he proudly billed himself as the international coordinator of the International Socialist Organisation (the IST's Zimbabwean affiliate). Now he modestly describes himself as "a social justice activist" and calls for what amounts to a popular front

Fight on two fronts

10 Aug 2006

July 29 saw the official launch of the election campaign for the September 17 Berlin regional elections, where the local WASG (Electoral Initiative for Labour and Social Justice) and the governing Linkspartei.PDS are to stand against each other. Ben Lewis reports from Germany

Keeping silent over 'offensive' film

03 Aug 2006

Huw Bynon reports on the protests surrounding the film version of Monica Ali's novel Brick Lane - and wonders why Respect and the Socialist Workers Party will not comment

Fight for two states, fight for Arab unity

03 Aug 2006

A 'secular, democratic Palestine' has suddenly made a reappearance in Socialist Worker, writes Peter Manson. But it turns out that what is envisaged will be neither democratic nor secular

Soldier of the legion of the rear guard

20 Jul 2006

Liam O Ruairc reviews Robert W White's Ruairi à“ Brádaigh: the life and politics of an Irish revolutionary, Indiana 2006, pp412, £18.99

High on rhetoric, low on solutions

20 Jul 2006

Tina Becker reports on the Stop the War Coalition's July 17 conference on the situation in the Middle East

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