
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Mountains out of molehills

08 Feb 2007

Leading the Alliance for Workers Liberty's typically slippery response to our coverage of the Socialist Youth Network launch conference reveals an organisation in crisis and rapidly moving to the right, says James Turley

No to SWP Berufsverbot

18 Jan 2007

To defeat the BNP, we must fight the system - and not call for ballet dancers to lose their jobs, says Jim Moody

AWL 'realists' raise their heads above the parapet

11 Jan 2007

Divisions emerge within the AWL over troop withdrawal

SWP puritanism

11 Jan 2007

The Socialist Workers Party is fronting a Respect campaign to rid the East End of strip and lap-dancing clubs. Simon Wells reports

SWP accommodates to Scottish nationalism

07 Dec 2006

The Scottish Socialist Party and Solidarity are striving to become junior partners of the Scottish National Party, writes Jim Moody

No strategy for free education

07 Dec 2006

Dead ducks and Labour pains

30 Nov 2006

Entitled 'New Labour after Blair - can it be shifted left or is a new workers' party needed?' this meeting illustrated that the Socialist Party has a deeply problematic stance in relation to the Labour Party. Lawrence Parker reports

Islamists and infidels

30 Nov 2006

Seyyed Ferjani from the Muslim Association of Britain and SP member Jim Hensman debated the rather broad question, 'Which way forward for Britain's muslims?' Not surprisingly, the meeting lacked a certain focus - but also highlighted the SP's confused and inadequate position on democratic questions, says Helen Broadhurst

Democracy east and west

30 Nov 2006

Leading SP member Paula Mitchell presented a scary vision of socialism in the session, 'Why the Soviet Union wasn't socialist and how democracy would work under socialism'. Tina Becker was there

Red and green

30 Nov 2006

Do you have to be red to be green?' was a debate between Pete Dickenson of the SP and the Green Party's 'male principal speaker', Derek Wall. Simon Wells reports

Whatever happened to the CNWP?

30 Nov 2006

Socialism 2006, the Socialist Party's annual school, was held over the weekend of November 25-25 at the University of London Union. But the Campaign for a New Workers' Party hardly featured, reports Tina Becker

Sex and the human revolution

23 Nov 2006

Socialist Worker has begun a series of articles by Sally Campbell. They purport to explain the origins of women's oppression. However, there exists an obvious lacuna in her account. If women became unfree, when and how did they become free? Camilla Power of the Radical Anthropology Group insists that sex played a big role in the human revolution - a taboo subject for the SWP

Money for old rope

23 Nov 2006

The elevation of Communist Party of Britain chair Anita Halpin into the media spotlight over the last couple of weeks has been one of the more unlikely stories of the political year. Lawrence Parker reports

Dither Thornett?

23 Nov 2006

Divisions are opening up in the ranks of the International Socialist Group/Socialist Resistance over its relationship with Respect, says Cameron Richards

SWP 'no platform' fiasco

23 Nov 2006

Last weekend's grandly named People's Assembly saw the Socialist Workers Party adopt a highly contradictory position on the crucial question of defence of democratic rights, including the right to free speech. Peter Manson reports

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