
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

More questions than answers

05 Jul 2007

The Alliance for Workers' Liberty minority must recognise the pro-imperialist logic of the majority's silence on the occupation of Iraq, argues Mark Fischer

Unity and opportunism

28 Jun 2007

The CPGB is not advocating building a Marxist party through a rotten deal with the current SWP and SPEW leaders, writes Peter Manson. Our call for unity is inseparable from the struggle for working class principle

Grubby Paul Hampton

28 Jun 2007

Mark Fischer replies to the Alliance for Workers' Liberty's Paul Hampton on the question of the withdrawal of troops from Iraq

Support Die Linke - but organise to fight

21 Jun 2007

As of June 16 the two dominant forces on the German left, the Linkspartei.PDS and the WASG, formally ceased to exist and joined forces to create the new left party, Die Linke. Ben Lewis reports from Germany

Who killed off the movement?

21 Jun 2007

Torab Saleth of Workers Left Unity Iran points the finger at the SWP for its pro-Tehran apologetics

Compromised 'opposition'

14 Jun 2007

Mark Fischer comments on the imperial economism of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty, which is most crassly expressed in the organisation's refusal to call for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq

'British road' dead end

07 Jun 2007

Lawrence Parker reports from the AGM of the People's Press Printing Society (the body that owns and produces the Morning Star) on June 4

Facing disintegration

07 Jun 2007

As South Africa's public sector strike continues to escalate, the crisis besetting the South African Communist Party can only deepen. Peter Manson looks at the SACP's contradictory role

SWP "relative autonomy"

25 May 2007

James Turley reviews Alex Callinico's Universities in a neoliberal world (Bookmarks, 2006, pp41, ?2)

Waiting for the messiah

25 May 2007

Mike Sambo of the International Socialist Organisation reports from Harare

Two-way traffic and continued divisions

17 May 2007

As the SWP desperately tries to keep a semblance of control over its Respect offspring in Tower Hamlets, the local branch has seen one of its councillors cross the floor to Labour, while a high-profile Labour leftwinger moves in the opposite direction. Peter Manson reports

Going nowhere fast

17 May 2007

The Socialist Party's on-off Campaign for a New Workers' Party has next to nothing to show for its first year of existence, writes Mary Godwin

Mainstream 'solutions'

17 May 2007

The Campaign Against Climate Change held what seems to have become a regular event, its annual International Climate Conference, over the weekend of May 12-13, with over 350 people - mainly white, but a mixture of young and old - attending its plenaries and individual sessions. Tony Stevens reports

CPB unity 'surge'

10 May 2007

The Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain, by its own standards, adopted a relatively ambitious approach to the elections. It stood candidates on each of the five regional lists for the Welsh assembly and contested Glasgow Govan in the elections for the Scottish parliament, as well as standing for a number of council seats across the country. Lawrence Parker reports

Mixed bag for the left

10 May 2007

Respect did best out of the left organisations standing in the English local elections: it gained two new councillors, though it lost a sitting one. The Socialist Party also lost one of its six councillors. And the weird and wonderful Socialist Labour Party does not appear to know how its own candidates did. Tina Becker reports

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