
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

After his Moscow, Rees faces his Waterloo

25 Oct 2007

The leadership of the Socialist Workers Party is not only fighting Galloway and his allies in Respect. Peter Manson shows that there is growing discontent in the ranks of the SWP itself

A tiny step forward

25 Oct 2007

Alan Stevens reports on the London conference of the National Shop Stewards Network

Unity with al Sadr

25 Oct 2007

Anne Mc Shane reports on the "international conference" organised by the Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM)

Attempting to retreat in good order

18 Oct 2007

Respect's terminal crisis is spreading acute tensions into the SWP, writes Peter Manson, with the leadership expelling three more prominent dissidents

Socialism from below in Respect

11 Oct 2007

Longstanding SWP member Nick Bird has resigned from the organisation in protest at its lack of internal democracy and change of policy on Respect. He spoke to Peter Manson

I've had enough

04 Oct 2007

Nick Bird reports on the SWP party council and announces his resignation from the organisation

Looking for pastures new

04 Oct 2007

As the SWP leadership poses left in order to prepare the membership for a future without Respect, Peter Manson calls upon the rank and file to rebel from the left

Vying for support

04 Oct 2007

Communist Students, the militant student group sponsored by the CPGB, is now one year old. Benjamin Klein reports on its growing strength

Not in front of the children

27 Sep 2007

In private, behind the backs of the voting public and the working class, the SWP is said to have been circulating an 'information pack', which supposedly exposes the truth about George Galloway. Jim Moody demands politics

George Galloway demands the scalp of John Rees - so do we

13 Sep 2007

Following the failure of the SWP to reach an accommodation with George Galloway, is John Rees now preparing for a final showdown at Respect's annual conference in November? Peter Manson reports on the latest developments

Smearing solidarity

13 Sep 2007

The issue of Iran solidarity has provoked controversy recently in the debates on Indymedia Ireland (www.indymedia.ie). Anne Mc Shane reports

George Galloway's rebellion rocks SWP

06 Sep 2007

Peter Manson looks at the civil war being fought out in the run-up to the November 17-18 conference

Coming home to roost

30 Aug 2007

The central question of Iraq simply will not go away for the AWL, says Mark Fischer

Head to head

09 Aug 2007

As we go to press, voting is about to begin in the August 9 by-election for Shadwell ward in the east London borough of Tower Hamlets. The election campaign, triggered by the bitter resignation of Shamim Chowdhury - from Respect as well as from the council - saw Harun Miah go head to head with former Labour council leader Michael Keith. Huw Bynon reports

SP's rival to Respect

09 Aug 2007

Alan Stevens reports on the progress the National Shop Stewards Network is making

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