
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Postscript to demise

26 Jan 2012

Esen Uslu recounts the sad story of the Communist Party of Turkey

No war on Iran! For regime change from below!

26 Jan 2012

Make your voice heard against war and repression, urges Hands Off the People of Iran chair, Yassamine Mather

No room for anti-Semites

19 Jan 2012

Tony Greenstein looks ahead to this weekend's AGM of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign

No surrender on article 18

12 Jan 2012

Toby Abse reports on the intransigent defence of Italy's Workers' Statute coming from an unexpected source

Preparing for the second wave

12 Jan 2012

December saw huge protests in Moscow and St Petersburg against the rigging of the elections to the duma. Mark Fischer asked Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky about their significance

Signs of an awakening

22 Dec 2011

Calls for internal democracy within the Socialist Workers Party can only be welcomed. Peter Manson reports on the third and final 'Pre-conference Bulletin'

Too early to say

15 Dec 2011

Mike Macnair reviews Ian Birchall's 'Tony Cliff: a Marxist for his time' Bookmarks, 2011, pp664,

In the footsteps of Kropotkin

15 Dec 2011

How did self-declared anarchists come to support the Nato bombing of Libya? David Douglass reports

The disappearing slogan

08 Dec 2011

Whatever happened to 'All out, stay out'? Peter Manson investigates

Keynesian fantasies are no substitute

08 Dec 2011

The Fine Gael/Labour coalition has unveiled the country's fifth austerity budget. Despite that the leading factions of the ULA continue to dither, writes Anne Mc Shane

ULA must take itself seriously

01 Dec 2011

Anne McShane argues that the United Left Alliance must take a lead

Left rhetoric and reformist illusions

01 Dec 2011

The 1891 Erfurt programme adopted by the Social Democratic Party of Germany was regarded as a 'return to Marxism', writes Ben Lewis. If only the same could be said of Die Linke's 2011 version

Zig-zagging social imperialists

01 Dec 2011

What determines the Alliance for Workers' Liberty line is its support for 'democratic imperialism', writes socialist blogger Arthur Bough

Anatomy of an embarrassment

24 Nov 2011

The appearance of 'The protocols of the elders of Zion' on a Morning Star bookstall has provoked a storm of criticisms. Harley Filben wonders what all the fuss is about

Appearances are everything

24 Nov 2011

Peter Manson reports on the SWP's obsession with numbers regarding its latest recruiting front

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