
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

ULA: opportunity to lead

26 Apr 2012

The United Left Alliance conference this weekend comes at an important juncture in Irish politics. Anne Mc Shane takes a look.

Momentum builds behind France's third man

12 Apr 2012

Jean-Michel Edwin calls for critical support for Melenchon in this months presidential election

Presaging the 21st century

12 Apr 2012

Paul Mason, Why it is kicking off everywhere: the new global revolutions Verso 2012, pp244, £12.99,reviewed by Mark Kosman

Galloway shows what can be done

05 Apr 2012

How can the left make the most of the Bradford West result? Peter Manson joins the debate

Both Pham Binh and Paul Le Blanc are wrong

05 Apr 2012

The left has never properly grasped the history and significance of Bolshevism, argues Mike Macnair

Memoirs of a loyal oppositionist

29 Mar 2012

Rossana Rossanda (translated by Romy Clark Giuliani) The comrade from Milan Verso 2010, pp384,

Silencing voices

08 Mar 2012

Workers Power is again embroiled in internal disputes. James Turley asks why it insists on hiding its internal differences

Stop the War Coalition: end exclusions

23 Feb 2012

Say no to the exclusions at the upcoming Stop The War Coalition conference

SUPPLEMENT: Falling out over a Cliff

16 Feb 2012

Was Lenin a lying manoeuvrer? Were the Bolsheviks a cult led by an all-knowing leader and staffed by narrow-minded minions? Lars T Lih joins in the debate over Tony Cliff's biography and debunks some myths held by both left and right

Realistic propaganda and cynical agitation

09 Feb 2012

Has the SWP learnt the lessons following the debacle of 'All out, stay out'? Laurie Smith investigates

Opposing imperialism does not mean supporting oppression

02 Feb 2012

Anti-war protest disrupted by attack on supporters of the Iranian green movement. Ben Lewis reports

Monti prepares for fresh attacks

02 Feb 2012

The nature of the Italian resistance to austerity has so far been contradictory, writes Toby Abse

Mangling the party of Lenin

02 Feb 2012

Opportunist twists and turns and the perversion of democratic centralism have characterised the Socialist Workers Party and the groups it has influenced, including the US International Socialist Organization. But where did these practices originate? Former ISO member Pham Binh examines the method employed by SWP founder Tony Cliff

Choose your conspiracy

02 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Robert Green's A thorn in their side: the Hilda Murrell murder Rata Books, 2011, pp208,

Muddle, passivity, conformity

26 Jan 2012

The SWP's annual conference was a big let-down following the positive ideas put forward in the final pre-conference internal bulletin. Peter Manson reports

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