
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

What kind of party do we need? - Ben Lewis

06 Sep 2012

Fighting on two fronts - Ben Lewis of the CPGB gives his view, taken from a speech to Communist University 2012

What kind of party do we need? - Simon Hardy

06 Sep 2012

Get involved with the ACI -Simon Hardy of the Anti-Capitalist Initiative gives his view on the party we need, taken from a speech to Communist University 2012

What sort of party do we need? - Mike Phipps

06 Sep 2012

Stay with what exists - Mike Phipps of Labour Briefing gives his view, taken from a talk at Communist University 2012

The passing of a liquidationist scheme

02 Aug 2012

The Anti-Capitalist Initiative is not long for this world. Peter Manson reports on the departure of its largest component

A radical for all seasons

26 Jul 2012

Jim Creegan takes a look at the political life of Alexander Cockburn, 1941-2012

The appeal of Syriza

12 Jul 2012

The left continues to squabble over the merits of the Coalition of the Radical Left in Greece - but, argues Paul Demarty, both sides miss the point

No line on architecture

12 Jul 2012

Away from the headline showdowns some of the Marxism sessions saw SWP comrades free to speak their minds (on architecture). Emily Orford reports

Weakening our class

12 Jul 2012

The SWP remains in line behind the nationalists in Scotland, reports Sarah McDonald

Fringe 2012

12 Jul 2012

Jan Nolan reports from the CPGB fringe meetings at the SWP's Marxism Festival

Private SWP quarrels and public SWP gagging

12 Jul 2012

The main role of the annual Marxism festival seems to be making new recruits and attempting to buoy up the rank and file. Peter Manson reports

Help us take further steps forward - donate

05 Jul 2012

Mark Fischer reports on a solid first week for our annual fundraising drive and on an important political advance for our organisation

Taking membership seriously

05 Jul 2012

Michael Copestake reports on the debates at the CPGB weekend aggregate

A site to be proud of

28 Jun 2012

June 30 sees the launch of both the CPGB's Summer Offensive fundraising drive and our new website - Mark Fischer discusses the broader challenges of the next two months

Democratic centralism and idiocy of the sects

28 Jun 2012

Comrades need the space to develop and express their ideas, argues Jim Creegan. The wider the distance between a given question and the party's immediate objectives and tasks, the more latitude they should have to do so in public

Sinn Féin and the handshake

28 Jun 2012

Anne McShane reports on the latest step in the 'peace process'

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