
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

A blunder of historic proportions

21 Jun 2012

Voting for the Muslim Brotherhood was a vote for a party of counterrevolution, not the revolution. Jack Conrad examines MB's origins, ideas and evolution

Taking up extreme opposition

21 Jun 2012

The victory of the troika's patsies in the Greek elections should be met with determined class resistance - across Europe, argues Paul Demarty

Be careful what you wish for

14 Jun 2012

As the next Greek elections loom, Paul Demarty takes a look at the lines being taken by the left and the current controversy in the SWP

Broad fronts and liquidationism

31 May 2012

CPGB members have been discussing the Anti-Capitalist Initiative and the role of Communist Students. Peter Manson reports

Syriza in the spotlight

24 May 2012

For a long time it was almost unknown outside Greece - but now the world's eyes are on Syriza. Paul Demarty examines the new thorn in the troika's side

Split looming in Die Linke

24 May 2012

The success of the gimmicky Piratenpartei has strengthened the right within the German Left Party, says Tina Becker

The fall of an icon

24 May 2012

David Douglass reviews Gregor Gall's 'Tommy Sheridan, from hero to zero: a political biography', Welsh Academic Press, 2012, pp384,

Small rooms and the politics of dishonesty

17 May 2012

The Anti-Capitalist Initiative represents a further liquidationist retreat, writes Peter Manson

Electors in France and Greece strike a blow against austerity

10 May 2012

But, writes Eddie Ford, the call must be to resist the temptation of office. The working class ought to constitute itself as a party of extreme opposition until it is ready to carry out its full programme

Same old failings

10 May 2012

With the Tory-Lib Dem coalition on the ropes and Labour proposing no positive alternative, the left seems incapable of taking advantage. Peter Manson reports

Scandals, austerity and comic diversion

10 May 2012

While rightwing parties were the big losers, there is no sign of a move to the left, writes Toby Abse

A dead end and dishonest initiative

10 May 2012

James Turley and Ben Lewis argue that there can be no short cuts to building the mass, Marxist student movement we need

Sectarian stumbling block

03 May 2012

Anne McShane reports on the future of the Irish ULA

Perspectives for the left

03 May 2012

Where does George Galloway's election victory leave us? What does the CPGB say about recent resignations from its ranks? Michael Copestake reports on last weekend's aggregate meeting of members

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

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