
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

IS Network: Unity in the spring?

19 Dec 2013

IS Network is in trouble again. Daniel Harvey looks at the regroupment efforts by the marsh

Sussex: Autonomists in 'feelgood' attack on SWP

19 Dec 2013

Tom Munday on the turning over of an SWP stall and the burning of their papers at Sussex university

SWP conference: Notes of a delegate

19 Dec 2013

An oppositionist calls for the whole of the left to engage in debate and rethink its politics

Bordiga and the fate of Bordigism

19 Dec 2013

Though he is largely remembered in the context of Lenin’s polemic against ‘left-wing’ communism, Amadeo Bordiga remains a towering figure of the 20th century workers’ movement. David Broder explores his ideas and political record

SWP: Creating a desert waste

19 Dec 2013

For the third time in just over a year, the leadership is ‘drawing a line’. Actually, argues Ben Lewis, Charlie Kimber and Alex Callinicos are busily destroying their own organisation

Liquidationism: End of the road

12 Dec 2013

The Anti-Capitalist Initiative is about to fold. Meanwhile the International Socialist Network looks set to splinter. Harley Filben explores the politics of the marsh

Cops, lefts and anarchos on campus

12 Dec 2013

Last week saw an outbreak of student protest. Daniel Harvey reports

Plans for the hard left

12 Dec 2013

Jack Conrad outlines the thinking of the CPGB’s Provisional Central Committee

Stuart Hall: Left’s great ‘moving right’ show

05 Dec 2013

Daniel Harvey reviews: Stuart Hall, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin (eds) 'After neoliberalism? The Kilburn manifesto', Soundings, 2013

Left Unity: Making a safe space for left ideas

05 Dec 2013

Peter Manson reports on the official founding of the latest unity project

SWP: Another split looms

28 Nov 2013

The leadership refuses to accept that there is any truth in opposition criticisms. Peter Manson reviews this year’s final Pre-conference Bulletin

Die Linke: Courtship with an eye on 2017

21 Nov 2013

The latest developments in German politics should serve as a reality check for the ‘broad party’ advocates in this country, argues Ben Lewis

Russell Brand: Hippies, clowns and technocrats

14 Nov 2013

The effect of the Russell Brand interview highlights the fragility of bourgeois politics, writes Harley Filben

Occupy: Caught in the headlights

14 Nov 2013

Daniel Harvey reviews: Mark Bray, 'Translating anarchy: the anarchism of Occupy Wall Street'. Zero Books, 2013, pp342, £15.99

SWP opposition: Facing a rout

14 Nov 2013

There are signs of increasing demoralisation amongst oppositionists, writes Peter Manson

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