
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

The new moral panic

27 Mar 2014

Charles Gradnitzer looks at the most recent move to further ostracise the SWP

Less haste, more politics

27 Mar 2014

Mark Fischer reports on the meeting of Left Unity's leadership, where LU's labyrinthine constitution has been wreaking havoc

Communist Platform: Preparing for conference

27 Mar 2014

Peter Manson reports on the national meeting of Left Unity's Communist Platform

Left Unity: How to vote on March 29

27 Mar 2014

Mike Macnair outlines the recommendations of the Communist Platform

Keep it broad, keep it safe

20 Mar 2014

Peter Manson reports on the first national conference of the ‘united front against austerity’

Tony Benn: The moderate extremist

20 Mar 2014

Paul Demarty examines the legacy of a tireless champion of the Labour left

An intransigent fighter

13 Mar 2014

Bob Crow, June 13 1961 - March 11 2014

Respecting no dogmatic label

06 Mar 2014

On the occasion of the 1000th issue, Marc Mulholland reflects on the state of the left

The Leninist: First conference makes decision to go monthly

06 Mar 2014

In January 1984 we organised the First Conference of Supporters of The Leninist, where the decision was made to go monthly

The Leninist: Before this there was that

06 Mar 2014

Jack Conrad recalls the genesis of the CPGB’s Leninist faction and its enduring legacy

CWI: A bureaucratic farce

20 Feb 2014

The anti-Keynesian dissident, Bruce Wallace, has been suspended, reports Paul Demarty

Taaffe: Superannuated teacher, superannuated politics

20 Feb 2014

Peter Taaffe’s approach to Bolshevik history reveals the mindset of a man more committed to preserving his sect regime than learning from our movement’s past. Ben Lewis responds to his review of Lars T Lih

TUSC: Looking over its shoulder

06 Feb 2014

Daniel Harvey reports on Tusc’s local election conference

The forgotten ally and friend

23 Jan 2014

Rease Higgs responds to the AWL’s defence of its behaviour over ‘comrade Alpha’

Debate: Why still read Lukács?

23 Jan 2014

Chris Cutrone of the US Platypus group discusses the place of philosophical questions in Marxism

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