
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

SWP: 'Delta force' still in denial

17 Jul 2014

‘The party’ had been on the right track all along, according to its leadership, and is now in fine health. Peter Manson reports on this year’s Marxism festival

Treating people like toy soldiers results in frivolous politics

11 Jul 2014

Alex Callinicos is trying to talk about strategy and patience, but his tongue is tied by his organisation’s disastrous errors, argues Paul Demarty

ANC hold on unions weakens

11 Jul 2014

The metalworkers are seeking to emulate the success of the platinum strikers, writes Peter Manson

Trying to earn a bit of popularity

19 Jun 2014

What is the role of Unite Against Fascism now that the SWP is prioritising Stand Up to Ukip? Daniel Harvey investigates

Playing a fool's game

12 Jun 2014

The ‘common sense’ consensus on migration stretches from Ukip and the Tories to the CPB and SPEW, writes Peter Manson

The Peter principle

05 Jun 2014

It is past time for SPEW members to start questioning the strategic acumen of their leadership, argues Paul Demarty

May 22 results: Once again a sorry joke

29 May 2014

The left’s election results reflect its lack of social roots, reports Peter Manson

ANC: Fully in control

22 May 2014

Neither right nor left has been able to challenge ANC hegemony, writes Peter Manson

Labour Party: Griffiths ends CPB truce

22 May 2014

Open struggle has erupted between those in the CPB who want to 'reclaim' the Labour Party, and those who want to... start another one. Peter Manson reports.

Left Unity: Arms and our moderate speaker

22 May 2014

Jack Conrad takes issue with Salman Shaheen’s cowardly rejection of the demand for a popular militia

Left unity: Playing happy families

22 May 2014

The protracted regroupment talks between Socialist Resistance, the International Socialist Network and others continue; as does their political confusion, writes Paul Demarty

Left Unity: Political clarity first

22 May 2014

The Communist Platform is standing four candidates in regional elections to the NC; Mark Fischer explains where and why

NUS: Autonomist bankruptcy

17 Apr 2014

The SWP stall at this year's NUS conference was attacked by 'anarchists'

No2EU: Back into our shells?

10 Apr 2014

No2EU represents a regressive form of left nationalism, writes Peter Manson

SWP: Sign of the times

04 Apr 2014

What’s wrong with ‘paraphernalia’, asks Tom Munday

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