
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Why I am leaving the AWL

07 Nov 2013

Pat Smith's resignation letter

AWL: Failing the litmus test of loyalty

07 Nov 2013

The republication of a chauvinistic article on the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty website was the spark that led Patrick Smith to resign from the organisation. Mark Fischer asked him about his experience in the group

Swamp things get together

07 Nov 2013

Daniel Harvey examines the politics underlying recent regroupment efforts

AWL: Siege mentality

31 Oct 2013

Conference is where political differences should be debated out. Paul Demarty reports on an exception

SWP: Insiders call leadership to account

31 Oct 2013

Members have finally been presented with a detailed report of the Delta case, reports Peter Manson. But it does not make easy reading for the central committee

Left culture: Nutters like us

24 Oct 2013

Till the left starts to make headway, get used to being viewed as mad, writes Paul Demarty

Oppose nationalism across the board

24 Oct 2013

Use the May 2014 Euro elections to fight for socialism and internationalism, argues James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists

IS Network: Battling with a rotten legacy

24 Oct 2013

Daniel Harvey looks at developments in the political regroupment project centred on the International Socialist Network following its weekend conference

Luxemburg: Rosa and the republic

10 Oct 2013

Last weekend, Ben Lewis spoke at an international conference in Paris on ‘Rosa Luxemburg’s concepts of democracy and revolution’. This is an expanded version of his paper

SWP: Leatherites thirsting for a purge

10 Oct 2013

Faced with criticism from two directions, the central committee is desperately trying to limit the damage. Peter Manson reports

Left culture: Politics for dummies

03 Oct 2013

Paul Demarty asks why so many on the left are afraid of talking politics

SWP: At war with itself

03 Oct 2013

The leadership is divided between two competing factions. Meanwhile there is the challenge presented by the official opposition. Peter Manson reports on the growing disarray

Die Linke: Safe spaces task force

26 Sep 2013

A word of warning from Maciej Zurowski for those in Left Unity who wish to emulate the German left party

Safe spaces: Conway-Hudson school of censorship

26 Sep 2013

Paul Demarty defends the idea of free speech on the left

SWP: Treating the symptoms

26 Sep 2013

Attempting to reform the disputes procedure will not cure the SWP of its bureaucratic centralism. Meanwhile, splits have opened up in both the opposition and loyalist camps, writes Peter Manson

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