
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Ireland: We need a united Marxist party

04 Dec 2014

The revolt against water charges poses sharp questions for the left, writes Anne McShane

Committed revolutionary

04 Dec 2014

John Robinson, 1926-2014

The strange case of the closeted Lenin

04 Dec 2014

According to comrades in the Socialist Workers Party, Lenin was a hypocrite who did not say what he thought. In this article, based on a speech to a London Communist Forum, Lars T Lih puts the record straight

Non-historic people

27 Nov 2014

The Radical Independence Campaign wants to hold the SNP to account. Who are they kidding? asks Paul Demarty

Trampling over red lines

27 Nov 2014

The appointment of Die Linke’s first regional prime minister will mark a ‘historic’ day for the establishment, says Tina Becker. Left Unity should urgently learn the lessons

Doing politics the same

27 Nov 2014

Despite its commitment to ‘safe spaces’, Socialist Resistance’s view on the way we should organise is not ‘different’ at all, comments Mike Macnair

Doing a Scottish jig

27 Nov 2014

Alan Woods has performed a 180 degree about-turn. Daniel Harvey comments

Decline still much in evidence

27 Nov 2014

Peter Manson reviews the SWP’s third Pre-conference Bulletin

Not European left’s historic moment

20 Nov 2014

Syriza’s speaker at Left Unity’s conference expressed unbounded optimism, but, says Micky Coulter, such hype is dangerous

Strikes, smoke bombs and tear gas

20 Nov 2014

Toby Abse reports on the latest union action and the autonomists’ social strike

Keep on keeping on

13 Nov 2014

Mark Fischer enjoyed himself at Socialism 2014

SWP: Hype and delusions

06 Nov 2014

Peter Manson reviews Internal Bulletin No2

A better way of being

06 Nov 2014

Mass protest looks likely to sink the Irish government's introduction of water charges. Anne McShane spoke to a leading member of the 'Cobh Says No' campaign

Class struggle intensifies

06 Nov 2014

Toby Abse reports on both verbal and physical clashes, as workers resist the latest attacks from ‘Italy’s Tony Blair’

Intersectionality vs social-imperialism

06 Nov 2014

The recent spat in the NUS over Islamic State is indicative of the political disorientation of the student movement, writes Charles Gradnitzer

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