
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Commemoration message

16 Dec 2021

As read out at the December 11 online meeting to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of an exiled Turkish revolutionary leader

Taking a pass on Israel

09 Dec 2021

Daniel Lazare denounces the DSA’s unprincipled stand on congressman Jamaal Bowman and controversially questions the whole BDS movement

Thin end of the wedge

02 Dec 2021

We should oppose both the banning of Hamas and its leftwing apologists, writes Eddie Ford

How not to lead a liberation

25 Nov 2021

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Fordsburg fighter: the journey of an MK volunteer' by Amin Cajee, as told to Terry Bell (Cover2Cover Books, 2016, pp194, £22.09)

Totally in control

11 Nov 2021

The central committee is looking forward to yet another conference without a peep of opposition from the rank and file. Peter Manson reports on the first of three internal bulletins

Feeding the revolving door

04 Nov 2021

Andrew Byrne, Gerald Wiley and Derek James report on an all too carefully choreographed event staged by the Socialist Appeal comrades

It will not fall from the sky

04 Nov 2021

Donald Parkinson of the Marxist Unity Slate looks at the 2021 convention of the Democratic Socialists of America and maps out a path beyond the current strategic impasse

Right firmly in control

28 Oct 2021

The Labour left is still clutching at unity and refusing to face up to defeat. Derek James of Labour Party Marxists looks at the sorry results

Unity without principle

21 Oct 2021

It does not look like the Resist Movement has much of a future. Anti-sectarianism is a good thing, but not if it means fudging, refusing to take a stand and disparaging sharp argument. Gerald Wiley reports

Failing the Lenin test

21 Oct 2021

A spooked leadership is attempting to silence its left critics, especially the rebel youth wing. The use of cadre names, defence of Stalin, advocacy of a popular militia and any public dissent have been outlawed. Paul Demarty reports on what could end up as a messy split

A long-established disorder?

21 Oct 2021

Famous as a polemical target of ‘Leftwing’ communism, ironically Amadeo Bordiga claimed to agree with Lenin’s strategy for world revolution. David Broder investigates

Prince over the water

14 Oct 2021

The takeover of Newcastle United by Saudi Arabia’s MBS highlights the contradictory position of fans in modern football, says Paul Demarty

Honouring the victims

14 Oct 2021

On October 9 a group of Iranian revolutionaries, now mainly based in North America and Europe, organised an online meeting to commemorate the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Among the speakers were Yassamine Mather, Shahin Chitsaz and Mike Macnair

The wealth of nature

14 Oct 2021

There are still those who merely offer a mirror image of bourgeois ideology, with the claim that workers create all the wealth. Jack Conrad argues that nature more than contributes: it is primary

Accused of corruption

09 Sep 2021

It is bad enough that a ‘communist’ is a senior minister in a capitalist government, writes Peter Manson. But now things are even worse

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