
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

A meeting of two halves

01 Jul 2021

We are a campaign for free speech: good. But we are not a Labour campaign: bad. Derek James of Labour Party Marxists reports

George’s modest flutter

01 Jul 2021

The return of the British left’s most eccentric celebrity has provided an interesting twist - but can he succeed? Paul Demarty looks at the Batley and Spen by-election

Build on solid foundations

24 Jun 2021

Socialists need a programme, but not just any old programme. Donald Parkinson of Cosmonaut magazine and the Marxist Unity Slate in the Democratic Socialists of America sets out the history and great advantages of the minimum-maximum programme

Fascism needs definition

17 Jun 2021

Marxism strives for clarity and telling the truth. Jack Conrad replies to Hasan Keser and Daniel Lazare

Another Venezuela?

10 Jun 2021

Ruling class fears about the new Peruvian president are very likely misplaced, writes Michael Roberts

Story built on lies

03 Jun 2021

David Douglass reviews 'Thatcher vs the miners: the battle for Britain', produced by Harry Bell and Brendan Hughes and broadcast on Channel 5

Wages of tailism

20 May 2021

Unlike others on the left, the SWP at least tries to draw lessons from the failure of Spain’s Podemos. The problem is, Paul Demarty explains, the lessons it draws are hopelessly wrong

Marking 50 years

20 May 2021

Founded by expelled PCI members, Il Manifesto has successfully outlived its rivals. Toby Abse praises the consistent anti-capitalism and pans the Maoist absurdities

No split in army - yet

13 May 2021

Derek James details the brutal response to the mass protest movement in Colombia and what needs to be done to avoid yet another failure

Anti-imperialism of fools?

13 May 2021

Daniel Lazare savages the ‘solidarity with the Syrian people’ petition fronted by disorientated luminaries such as Noam Chomsky, George Monbiot and Ariel Dorfman

Moving to far right

22 Apr 2021

Moshé Machover looks at the dynamics and strange deals that might be done following the indecisive general election

Cowboys and Indians

22 Apr 2021

The AWL’s attempt to claim the legacy of Shapurji Saklatvala is poorly executed and theoretically incoherent, argues Lawrence Parker

American ‘Blue Labour’?

15 Apr 2021

Mike Macnair reviews 'Virtue hoarders: the case against the professional managerial class' by Catherine Liu

Labour’s latest Waterloo

15 Apr 2021

The defeat of the campaign for union recognition at Amazon is not as straightforward as might be thought, argues Daniel Lazare

Nationalist dreams and nightmares

08 Apr 2021

Mike Macnair reviews 'Workers and nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890-1918' by JS Beneš and 'The Fiume crisis: life in the wake of the Habsburg empire' by DK Reill

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