
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

A farrago of illusions

14 Apr 2022

Social-Putinism and social-imperialism are not our only problem, argues Jack Conrad. There is the curse of social‑pacifism and centrism too

The biters bitten

14 Apr 2022

James Harvey of Labour Party Marxists asks why the AWL has been proscribed when it has given such unstinting service to the right in promoting the ‘anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism’ big lie

Resistance to war fever

07 Apr 2022

Amidst the suffocating establishment consensus, Toby Abse welcomes the relatively principled position taken by much of the Italian left

Alex’s greater friend

07 Apr 2022

The SWP is clearly motivated by opportunist considerations, not least the fall-out from the Martin Smith rape scandal. We do not owe politeness to renegades, argues Paul Demarty

Stay, fight, win

31 Mar 2022

What is going on in the Democratic Socialists of America? Charlie Frank explains the conflict over BDS which is dividing left and right

Next step forward

31 Mar 2022

While the Socialist Party has imploded, new alternatives are emerging. Andries Stroper of the SP’s Communist Platform reports on the recent local elections

Peace-loving liberals for war

31 Mar 2022

The rhetoric of the anti-war movement has been coopted by the war party in the west, argues Paul Demarty

Taking a principled position

24 Mar 2022

Yassamine Mather takes to task the left in the Middle East and north Africa over Nato and Russia’s invasion

A toxic operation

24 Mar 2022

Paul Houston shines a light on the murky origins of the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

Four anti-war nos

10 Mar 2022

Daniel Lazare welcomes the refusal of the DSA’s international committee to go along with the Democrats’ warmongering

Away with comforting delusions

10 Mar 2022

‘Official communism’ is bitterly divided over the Ukraine war. Paul Demarty traces the battle lines back to their origins

Neither 1914 nor 1940

03 Mar 2022

Mike Macnair interrogates the bogus claims made by Paul Mason and Alex Callinicos about imperialism and the Ukraine war

Here we stand

03 Mar 2022

Not only must social-imperialists and social-pacifists be denounced: Jack Conrad calls for absolute clarity, when it comes to war and peace

A lesson in courage

03 Mar 2022

Anti-war protests in Russia give a glimmer of hope in a perilous situation, argues Paul Demarty

Blindness to empire

24 Feb 2022

As Russia invades Ukraine Britain’s social-imperialists rally to side of Nato. But for socialists the main enemy is at home, argues Paul Demarty

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