
Party & Programme > The left

Another split, another sect

26 Apr 2012

The left must organise on the basis of genuine democratic centralism, argues Ben Lewis

Enlightenment and pure joy

09 Jun 2022

Judy Carousian reviews 'Compass and Moshé Machover' by Helena Aksentijevic (YouTube, 2022)

Deaths, deals and demonstrations

09 Jun 2022

There are growing mass protests, but very little, if anything, in the way of conscious organisation. Under these contradictory circumstances the left must avoid the temptation of giving up on basic anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist principles, insists Yassamine Mather

Their army and ours

09 Jun 2022

Most of the left has embraced the peace slogan in a thoroughly pacifist manner. Marxists, of course, prefer peace to war, but, as Jack Conrad explains, with us that goes hand in hand with making propaganda for the establishment of a popular militia

Notes on the war

26 May 2022

Both the social-imperialists and the pro-Kremlin left fail to put the working class at the centre of their perspectives and look instead to either Nato or the Putin regime as an agent of social progress. Jack Conrad calls for rebellion against those who betray the elementary principles of socialism

Stampeded by Russia’s attack

26 May 2022

Public and parliamentary opinion have undergone a panicked swing away from non-alignment. Jan Nyström reports on the attempt to forge a principled opposition to Nato membership

Talking loud, saying nothing

26 May 2022

Paul Demarty checks in on the congress of the Socialist Party in England and Wales - a decision-making body apparently without decisions to make

About-turn at the top

19 May 2022

While Democrats stampede to back the war, writes Daniel Lazare, it is the Republican right which is now anti-war

Single-issue failure

19 May 2022

Clearing out Azovstal is a rare piece of good news for the Russian government, writes Paul Demarty, in what is a grim strategic picture

Spycops and our response

19 May 2022

Much to the shock and outrage of the liberal left, industrial-scale police infiltration has once again been exposed. But, Mike Macnair argues, for the capitalist state this is normal behaviour

Open letter to ‘Red Line TV’

12 May 2022

Jack Conrad scorns the ‘alive and kicking’ claim, questions Labour Briefing’s ‘great tradition’ and urges rebellion against LRC’s social-imperialism

Pro-Kremlin socialists

28 Apr 2022

Social-imperialism and social-pacifism are not our only problems, argues Jack Conrad. There is also a left that tails, excuses and flatters the Putin regime

Pro-war socialists

21 Apr 2022

In the name of ‘critical support’ for ‘Russian defence’ of Donbas, Tony Greenstein attacks Gilbert Achcar, Anti-Capitalist Resistance and the so-called Fourth International

Assessing Putin’s gamble

21 Apr 2022

Mike Macnair critiques the idea, common amongst social-imperialists and social-pacifists alike, that modern Russia is a full-blown imperialist power

Forgive us our trespasses

21 Apr 2022

Establishment celebrations of the Kinder Scout mass trespass of 1932 brush over its communist politics. Lawrence Parker puts the record straight

Hold the line

21 Apr 2022

The left in France should not be panicked into voting for Emmanuel Macron, writes Paul Demarty

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