
Democracy & State > Republican democracy

Republicanism and the form of working class rule

31 May 2012

As the constitutional monarchy state proclaims its commitment to privilege and the status quo, Michael Copestake looks back to a rather different tradition

Oppose all blasphemy laws

16 Feb 2006

Communists fight for the complete separation of church and state, says Eddie Ford

SWP and freedom of speech

16 Feb 2006

Michelle Euston reports on the Socialist Workers Party's rally 'Socialists and the Movement' in London, while Ted North attended the event in Sheffield

Islamophobia: no! Free speech: yes!

16 Feb 2006

Peter Manson analyses the furore over the Danish cartoon controversy

Marching towards self-organisation

09 Feb 2006

Emily Bransom reports on a new website set up by disgruntled soldiers

Democracy in the dock

09 Feb 2006

Fight the BNP but defend freedom of speech too - Eddie Ford comments

Learn military art

02 Feb 2006

From VI Lenin, 'The military programme of the proletarian revolution' (1916 - www.marxists.org)

Freedom of speech still in danger

02 Feb 2006

While Blair's defeat over religious incitement is to be welcomed, the new law could still be wielded against the working class, writes Peter Manson. That is why it is appalling that George Galloway and Respect were New Labour's only allies in the Commons

Fight for soldiers' rights

02 Feb 2006

Emily Bransom comments on demands by disgruntled British soldiers to form their own 'armed forces federation'

Festival of Labourism?

19 Jan 2006

The working class movement needs its own republican socialist party, argues Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

Defend free speech

19 Jan 2006

Abu Hamza and Nick Griffin have more in common than they would like to admit: both are being prosecuted for their views and speeches - rather than their actions. Communists must take a firm stand against the chipping away of our civil liberties, because left critics of the government might be next in line, says Tina Becker

Don't dare read this!

24 Nov 2005

Even possession of this article could see you prosecuted, warns Eddie Ford

Blogs censored

10 Nov 2005

Internet host Skyblog has closed down several blogs after comments in favour of the rioters were posted. Nevertheless others have sprung up to replace them, some exercising self-censorship. All express a variety of views, including from people in the cités (estates)

For a Sixth Republic

10 Nov 2005

Walk on two legs

05 Feb 2004

Mark Fischer reports on a debate that concerns the whole left

Away with gongs and titles

08 Jan 2004

The British honours system is more than a laughable anachronism: it sheds light on the nature of our society and the royalist traditions that underpin it. Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group believes that the recent spate of honours refuseniks heralds the birth of a republican socialist party

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