
CPGB News > Reports

Democrat deserts the field

29 May 1997

Recipe for disorganisation

29 May 1997

SLP branch reports

Anti-Labour lash-up disintegrates

29 May 1997

The following letter was sent to Fight Racism Fight Imperialism in March. It has not been published, nor replied to. The publishers of FRFI, the Revolutionary Communist Group, appear to have left the IWCA, an essentially anarchistic grouping formed in 1995, of whom little has been heard of since

Killing fields of Iran

29 May 1997

The following is a statement of the Executive Committee of the Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rahe Kargar)

Socialist Party’s open letter

29 May 1997

Party notes

Open struggle or unhealthy secrecy?

22 May 1997

‘Nothing to fear from debate’

22 May 1997

SLP Branch reports

Firmin’s support campaign

22 May 1997

Crisis? What crisis...?

22 May 1997

Party notes

Good start made

15 May 1997

SLP branch reports

Cohesion, discipline and the Summer Offensive

15 May 1997

Party notes

On a road to slavery

01 May 1997

Brent SLP members stand by their manifesto in defence of revolutionary politics

Newport challenge New Labour

01 May 1997

Voided branch drives on

01 May 1997

Class censorship

01 May 1997

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