
Society & Culture > Racism

Racism as thoughtcrime

05 Apr 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

The obligation and means to resist tyranny

15 Apr 2010

Eddie Ford disagrees with the preaching of pacifism and legalism dressed up in anti-fascist clothing

Police ran riot in Bolton

25 Mar 2010

The mobilisation against the English Defence League was attacked and kettled by a well planned police operation. Sinead Rylance and Chris Strafford report

Football fan nationalism and ‘anti-fascist’ theatre

05 Nov 2009

Melvin Dawson witnesses collaboration between the UAF and the police

Racism or nationalism

07 May 2009

Much of the left continues to experience a great deal of difficulty in coming to terms with the British state's now highly developed official anti-racism, writes Peter Manson. The fact is that the state has colonised the left's anti-racism and turned it into its dialectical opposite - anti-racist national chauvinism

'Official anti-racism' cracks again

18 Sep 2008

The accusations of Tarique Ghaffur against the Metropolitan Police have given the lie to the state's 'liberal' PR, argues James Turley

Cut across ethnic divide

17 Jan 2008

It is class interests arising from the legacy of British rule that underlie Kenyan rivalries. Nick Rogers looks at the background to the current chaos

Oxford Union and 'free speech'

29 Nov 2007

The decision by the Oxford Union debating society to give a platform to BNP leader Nick Griffin and holocaust denier David Irving provoked national controversy. James Turley digs through it all and argues for a particular application of the 'no platform' tactic

Legitimating racism

11 May 2007

Dave Landau of the No One is Illegal campaign makes the case for open borders

Being called a 'black bastard' should not be normal

15 Mar 2007

In a certain sense, the recent comments by the now disgraced Tory MP, Patrick Mercer, can be welcomed, says Eddie Ford

SWP 'racism' fig leaf

23 Feb 2006

The furore following the Danish cartoons has not subsided, writes Peter Manson. But the position of many islamic groups - backed up by the Socialist Workers Party - plays into the hands of islamophobes

What's principle got to do with it?

02 Feb 2006

At the 'Defy section 9' conference in Manchester, the comrades from the SWP again tried to prevent the meeting from taking principled positions on the question of immigration, reports Dave Isaacson

Hijab: the protests ...

22 Jan 2004

Though we are critical, the OFWI still deserves the support of all socialists for its political opposition to the oppression of women through the imposition of sharia law in Iraq, says Manny Neira

Face up to the fight

22 Jan 2004

John Hutnyk reviews: Tariq Mehmood, 'While there is light', Manchester, 2003, Comma Press, pp220, £7.95

In their own words

22 Jan 2004

Doaa Al-Rani (19) took a leading role in the protests. Though not an MAB member, she led the chanting, rallying a group of women around her

Unsure what to think

15 Jan 2004

Alliance for Workers' Liberty sits on the fence

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