
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Supplement: Left Unity’s contradictory aspirations

28 Nov 2013

A wide-ranging strategic debate has erupted on the left, Mike Macnair conducts a critical examination

SWP: Another split looms

28 Nov 2013

The leadership refuses to accept that there is any truth in opposition criticisms. Peter Manson reviews this year’s final Pre-conference Bulletin

Left Unity: How to vote at conference

28 Nov 2013

CPGB Provisional Central Committee recommendations

Lukács: The philosophy trap

21 Nov 2013

György Lukács provided the ‘theoretical overkill’ for the bureaucratic centralism of groups like the SWP, argues Mike Macnair

Die Linke: Courtship with an eye on 2017

21 Nov 2013

The latest developments in German politics should serve as a reality check for the ‘broad party’ advocates in this country, argues Ben Lewis

Russell Brand: Hippies, clowns and technocrats

14 Nov 2013

The effect of the Russell Brand interview highlights the fragility of bourgeois politics, writes Harley Filben

Occupy: Caught in the headlights

14 Nov 2013

Daniel Harvey reviews: Mark Bray, 'Translating anarchy: the anarchism of Occupy Wall Street'. Zero Books, 2013, pp342, £15.99

Debate: Inspiring view of future society

14 Nov 2013

Is the distinction between socialism and communism necessarily Stalinist? Mike Macnair replies to Nick Rogers

Debate: CPGB’s theoretical confusion

14 Nov 2013

The Socialist Platform statement for Left Unity is more scientifically correct than the amended version featured in the CPGB’s Communist Platform, argues Nick Rogers

SWP opposition: Facing a rout

14 Nov 2013

There are signs of increasing demoralisation amongst oppositionists, writes Peter Manson

The party we need

07 Nov 2013

Is ‘actually existing Leninism’ the right model? In this edited version of his speech at the CPGB’s Communist University earlier this year, Moshé Machover explains why it is wrong

Why I am leaving the AWL

07 Nov 2013

Pat Smith's resignation letter

AWL: Failing the litmus test of loyalty

07 Nov 2013

The republication of a chauvinistic article on the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty website was the spark that led Patrick Smith to resign from the organisation. Mark Fischer asked him about his experience in the group

Swamp things get together

07 Nov 2013

Daniel Harvey examines the politics underlying recent regroupment efforts

AWL: Siege mentality

31 Oct 2013

Conference is where political differences should be debated out. Paul Demarty reports on an exception

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