Party & Programme
End the cycle of splits
24 May 2012
If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly
Italy’s lead to British labour
14 Sep 1995
From ‘The Communist’, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, September 16 1920
Unity and democracy
14 Sep 1995
Chris Jones from the RDG
Getting active
14 Sep 1995
Comrade Tanya from South London explains why she has recently joined the SWP, posing the question, “Is the SWP the ‘true’ revolutionary party?”
Hey, hey, Tony Blair ...
14 Sep 1995
Fighting the SWP central committee or reforming the SWP?
Scottish and Welsh parliaments?
07 Sep 1995
Dave Craig from the RDG locates the points of agreement and difference in the debate on the national question
Manifesto of the Communist Party of Great Britain
07 Sep 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, September 9 1920
Internet free-for-all
07 Sep 1995
Bob Smith of ‘For a Polemic Committee’ - which advocates a permanent Party polemic committee - on the internet and Party democracy
Moscow’s welcome to the Third International
31 Aug 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the CPGB, September 2 1920
Breaking down the barriers to unity
31 Aug 1995
Is a federal republic the way forward? Here we present two more contributions to the debate
Bosnian-Croat joint offensive
24 Aug 1995
Left support for nationalist slaughter
The politics of transition
24 Aug 1995
Peter May from the RDG says the demand for a federal republic is a revolutionary minimum
War with Russia - our manifesto to the workers
24 Aug 1995
From 'The Communist', paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, August 26 1920
Can the SWP be reformed?
24 Aug 1995
Dave Craig of the RDG questions RWT tactics
SWP leadership bans IS-List internet talks
17 Aug 1995
By-passing the Central Committee on the internet is too risky for SWP
Towards the revolution: our policy
17 Aug 1995
From The Communist, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain, August 19 1920