
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Greenwich and Woolwich

03 May 2001

Left unity ?one day?


03 May 2001

Oldham in our sights

Racism or chauvinism?

03 May 2001

A candidate's diary

03 May 2001

CPGB member Lawrie Coombs is the Socialist Alliance prospective parliamentary candidate for Stockton South

Socialist Party snubs fightback

03 May 2001


03 May 2001

Global issues

Fight racism, build the alliance

03 May 2001

Ateeq Siddique, the Socialist Alliance candidate for Bradford South, was heavily featured in the national media following disturbances in the Lidget Green area of the city. Peter Manson spoke to him for the Weekly Worker

They won the streets?

03 May 2001

It started with bike rides along Euston Road and ended with 5,000 people being held without charge in open-air prisons for seven hours. The Metropolitan Police?s assistant commissioner, Mike Todd, promised ?in your face? policing - and that?s what we got.

Unison minimum wage demo

03 May 2001

Bureaucracy confronted

May Day

03 May 2001

?Officials? march

General Strike 75 years on: part one

03 May 2001

From war to aborted general strike

Set aside divisions

26 Apr 2001

RDG statement on the position taken by the national Socialist Alliance executive on the Bedfordshire SA

Australian SA and CWI

26 Apr 2001

Down under déjà  vu

Small businesses

26 Apr 2001

Provide answers for all

A candidate's diary

26 Apr 2001

CPGB member Lawrie Coombs is the Socialist Alliance prospective parliamentary candidate for Stockton South

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