
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Gloves come off

01 May 2003

By coming after George Galloway, the bourgeois media is trying to tarnish the whole anti-war movement, says Manny Neira

Anatomy of the hard left

01 May 2003

For the tens of thousands of people mobilised against the war on Iraq who have been drawn towards political action for the first time, the myriad of groups on the far left must seem bewildering. Ian Mahoney supplies a rough guide to a few of the more prominent

Could have been a contender: Socialist Party

01 May 2003

Going camping: Alliance for Workers' Liberty

01 May 2003

Pipe and slippers: International Socialist Group

01 May 2003

Australian echoes

01 May 2003

As in Britain, the Australian Socialist Alliance has been paralysed by the stubborn determination of one group in particular to prevent the alliance becoming a party.Dave Riley, a member of the Australian SA Non-Aligned Caucus, gives his view on the type of party it should become

Movement needs openness

01 May 2003

Andrew Murray and Lindsay German, who effectively form the leadership of the Stop the War Coalition, put the movement in a bad political light this week when they acted as dyed-in-the-wool bureaucrats determined to stifle openness, accountability and democracy, reports Anne Mc Shane

Slogan wars

01 May 2003

Jack Conrad discusses the problems of the left when it comes to opposition to an attack on Iraq

What is 'sectarianism'?

01 May 2003

A day of celebration and hope

01 May 2003

Mary Godwin takes a look at the history of May Day

Darwinism and Marxism

19 Dec 2002

Mike Macnair reviews The structure of evolutionary theory by Stephen Jay Gould (Belknap/Harvard University Press, 2002, pp1,433)

For genuine democratic centralism

11 Jul 2002

"Through the fullest, most open debate we seek to achieve unity in action and a common world outlook." This statement appears in the third paragraph of the revised 'What we fight for' column. John Pearson disagrees with the party majority.

A reply to comrades

20 Jun 2002

Last week's paper carried a letter from the Communist Struggle group in the Ukraine, suggesting that our two organisations have the possibility of "fruitful cooperation"

Programme and party

07 Feb 2002

The SWP's main problem is that it is "not big enough", says Paul Foot. Size isn't everything, reckons Mark Fischer

For a paper and partyism

29 Nov 2001

Communists has always argued that within the Socialist Alliance there lies a compelling logic towards the formation of a party.

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