
Democracy & State > Nationalism

Referendum has nothing to offer

07 Jun 2012

Neither Scottish independence nor British unionism. Sarah McDonald looks at the launch of the "Yes" campaign

The enigmatic gilets-jaunes

17 Jan 2019

How should Marxists respond to the gilets jaunes? Mike Macnair looks at the likely winners and losers

May's deal is dead as a dodo

17 Jan 2019

Paul Demarty asks what comes next after the crushing rejection of May’s Brexit deal by the Commons

Immigration: ignoring the problem

29 Nov 2018

Fighting for open borders means facing up to the reality of mass migration, argues Paul Demarty

Politics of the street

29 Nov 2018

The Ukip leader’s embrace of Tommy Robinson shows how the ‘great Brexit betrayal’ could lead to the growth of a populist far-right movement in Britain, writes Eddie Ford

IHRA and free speech

29 Nov 2018

Both Zionists and the British far right want to make criticism of Israel unacceptable, reports Tony Greenstein

Italy's government provoking a clash with EU

25 Oct 2018

Against the background of attempts to form a new rightwing coalition across Europe, Toby Abse looks at the manoeuvrings of the rival Italian populists

No compliance with ‘hostile environment’ in NHS

25 Oct 2018

James Linney looks at the impact of Theresa May’s immigration policy on asylum-seekers

Review: 22 July, directed by Paul Greengrass

18 Oct 2018

Out on general release and Netflix

United with far right

20 Sep 2018

Tony Greenstein reports on a demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’ that brought together the English Defence League and Jewish Labour Movement

New leader in waiting?

13 Sep 2018

Far from being a loose cannon, Boris Johnson’s every move is well thought out, writes Eddie Ford

Boris rolls the dice

16 Aug 2018

Boris Johnson’s burqa article is not a gaffe, but a political gamble, argues Paul Demarty

Nurtured by the state

16 Aug 2018

What lies behind the current crisis? Esen Uslu looks at the peculiar form of capitalist development in Turkey

Shameless hypocrisy

09 Aug 2018

The coming crisis will be both political and economic, predicts Esen Uslu

Minister of the Underworld

09 Aug 2018

Who is responsible for instigating the recent spate of racist attacks? Toby Abse points the finger at interior minister Matteo Salvini

Age of Aquarius

28 Jun 2018

The Lega has celebrated its gains in local elections by stepping up its attacks on migrants and Roma, with the complicity of M5S, writes Toby Abse

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