
Imperialism & War > Middle East

None of the above

07 Jun 2012

Calling on Egyptians to vote for the Muslim Brotherhood is insane, argues Paul Demarty

Two impossibilities

22 Nov 2019

Neither a one-state solution nor a two-state solution is feasible, argues Moshé Machover. This article is based on his talk at Communist University.

Bloodstained sliver of sand

15 Nov 2019

Everyone can see that Erdoğan’s military adventure has added to the chaos in Syria. But should the left in Turkey tail the Kurdish movement? Esen Uslu gives his opinion.

Met with maximum force

15 Nov 2019

Yassamine Mather discusses the popular revolts against corruption, sectarianism and Iranian influence.

Wider transformation

15 Nov 2019

What is the way ahead for the resistance? Lorna Anderson concludes her report-back on a recent visit to Palestine.

Given up on liberation

10 Nov 2019

Many militants are coming round to the view that, as well as the enemy being the Israeli occupation forces, there is an enemy within too. Lorna Anderson reports.

Second Arab spring?

09 Nov 2019

As demonstrators once again take to the streets, Yassamine Mather looks at the issues involved.

Good man fallen among imperialists?

17 Oct 2019

Chris Gray recalls the contradictory elements in the politics pursued by Lawrence of Arabia.

Erdoğan gets green light

10 Oct 2019

Despite Trump’s objections, writes Esen Uslu, Turkey has been set strict limits on its intervention in Syria.

West’s blood-splattered ally

03 Oct 2019

Despite millions of dollars spent and support from the US, Riyadh is hardly getting things all its own way, writes Yassamine Mather.

Accusations and threats

20 Sep 2019

A US attack on Iran is once again a real possibility, warns Yassamine Mather.

Victim of the global hegemon

12 Sep 2019

Following Trump’s cancellation of talks, Yassamine Mather looks back at the disaster that is Afghanistan.

Tanker wars and propaganda

25 Jul 2019

The war of words between America and Iran is becoming more and more dangerous, warns Yassamine Mather

A vizier or a jester?

18 Jul 2019

As Erdoğan plays the US off against Russia, Esen Uslu asks if his optimism is misplaced

Corbyn, Tehran and fake news

12 Jul 2019

Yassmine Mather shows that the mainstream media have little or no regard for the truth

Major blow to Erdoğan

27 Jun 2019

The repeat election for mayor of Istanbul was not just a case of déjà vu, writes Esen Uslu

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