
Society & Culture > Media, arts & sport

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Properly utopian

07 Nov 1996

Kevin Watts reviews Breaking the waves, co-written and directed by Lars von Trier

Mummified ideology

24 Oct 1996

Phil Rudge reviews Red square, black square - Organon for revolutionary imagination by Vladislav Todorov (1995, pp200)

Unsaleable discovery

10 Oct 1996

Helen Ellis reviews Blinded by the sun by Stephen Poliakoff, directed by Ron Daniels (Cottosloe theatre, London)

Human contradiction

10 Oct 1996

From the debate surrounding the novels of Irvine Welsh, Phil Rudge argues that under today’s cultural conditions only artists who choose the lines of most resistance are able to even approach a committed literature

Radical pioneers

26 Sep 1996

Phil Watson reviews Beat, Rhymes and Life, by A Tribe called Quest (Jive CD)

Folk enters Britpop

19 Sep 1996

Eddie Ford reviews Norma Waterson by Norma Waterson (Hannibal/Ryhodisc, 1996)

Dangerous desires

19 Sep 1996

Crude attempt

12 Sep 1996

Breon James reviews Independence Day (directed by Roland Emmerich, 1996)

Action sundered

12 Sep 1996

Helen Ellis reviews Judith, a parting from the body, by Howard Barker (Battersea Arts Centre)

Anti-propaganda propaganda

05 Sep 1996

Helen Ellis reviews the new Labour exhibition (Riverside Artists Group, Riverside Studios Gallery)

Exciting encounters

22 Aug 1996

Phil Rudge reviews solo guitar improvisations 1975-1977 (Domestic and public, CD, Emanem 1995) and Improvisation: its nature and practice in music (The British Library, 1992, 2nd ed) by Derek Bailey

Exotic squatters

25 Jul 1996

Breon James reviews White unto harvest by Mavis Howard, directed by Lisa Goldman

Fragmented lives

18 Jul 1996

Breon James reviews Fargo by Joel and Ethan Coen, at selected cinemas

Follow that car

11 Jul 1996

Car, a touring production from the Cholmondeleys. Performed outdoors at sites around the UK until August 25

Three lions on your shirt

04 Jul 1996

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