
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Scottish Socialist Alliance divided on Scotland Forward

19 Jun 1997

Resignation pre-empted

19 Jun 1997

Following the entry into the SLP of several members of the Indian Workers Association, led by the ultra-Stalinite Harpal Brar, the leadership in Southall found itself in a minority, outvoted by new members who seem to see their role as being unquestioning foot soldiers of the NEC. Unfortunately, instead of remaining in position to fight for their beliefs, the branch officers announced their intention to resign. Here we reproduce their rather pathetic letter

Call for left cooperation

19 Jun 1997

The following motion, proposed by comrade Tom Delargy of Paisley SSA, was unanimously passed at the SSA’s annual conference on Saturday June 14

Message to members from the National Executive Council

19 Jun 1997

‘Have a nice day ...’

19 Jun 1997

Scargill bans democracy

19 Jun 1997

Scargill draws the line against the fight for democracy - Mark Fischer asks, ‘Which side are you on?’

National question - a key debate

12 Jun 1997

Edinburgh Scottish Socialist Alliance and Red magazine organised a successful day school on Sunday June 1 on the national question in Scotland and Ireland

PCC statement

12 Jun 1997

In response to requests from critics of our stance on the demand for a sovereign Scottish parliament, our Party leadership underlines its position on self-determination in this statement

For an active boycott! For genuine self-determination!

12 Jun 1997

Scottish Socialist Alliance faces key test – for self-determination or Blair’s sop referendum?

Crisis of expectations

12 Jun 1997

Has a ‘crisis of expectations’ been created by Blair’s landslide majority? Dave Osler of the Socialist Labour Party presents his case

Openness against the witch hunt

12 Jun 1997

Simon Harvey looks forward to the Campaign for a Democratic SLP’s conference and calls for unity

Campaigning against unity

12 Jun 1997

Party notes

Reality in Scotland missed

05 Jun 1997

Democrat attacked

05 Jun 1997

In the Weekly Worker (May 22) we reported on a conference in Manchester to discuss a campaign for a democratic SLP. The SLP’s candidate in Vauxhall, South London, has come under Scargill’s fire for taking part in this democracy meeting

Party time ...

05 Jun 1997

Party notes

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