

Scargill: ‘Keep quiet or get out’

Once again Arthur Scargill lays down the law against democracy in the SLP - this time in his reply to Martin Wicks. The comrade had forwarded him partisan suggestions for extending democracy in the SLP. The document he sent was signed by a number of SLP comrades and published in the Weekly Worker (June 12)

Dear Martin Wicks

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 12 1997, asking that a statement signed by a number of Party Branches/CSLPs and individuals from other Branches be circulated to Party Branches.

The document attached to your letter clearly aims at undermining the democratically agreed structure and policies of The Socialist Labour Party, which have been accepted by the membership.

Party perspective

1. You suggest there is a need to develop a perspective for mobilising the working class. This is precisely what the Party has and is doing - both in terms of direct action and in its Election Policy at Local and National Level.


2. The suggestion that there is a need to build resistance in all privatised public services is an ‘insult’ to those workers and Party members who have and are doing this on an ongoing basis.


3. You suggest the Party needs to draw on the experience and creativity of wide layers of the working class and that it cannot be “developed from the top down”. The policies of The Socialist Labour Party - unlike all other Parties - have in fact been developed from the ‘bottom up’ and our Policy Statement was written by ordinary members of the Party.


4. The accusation that the NEC has acted as an authoritive [sic] leadership is untrue.

Electoral policy

5. Your statement that there was no discussion regarding Election Policy is untrue. The meetings which led to the establishment of the party and the Inaugural Conference accepted an aim of standing candidates in all Constituencies.

European Union

6. It is clear that you are obsessed with Britain remaining in the European Union despite the fact that our Party’s policy is for a complete withdrawal. Those who take a different view should, in line with the Constitution, accept the Party’s policy or join a Pro-European Party.


7. Your claim that the Party’s Constitution has neither been discussed nor voted on is completely untrue. Every single person who has joined the Party has accepted the Constitution. The establishment of Constituency Socialist Labour Partys [sic] (CSLPs) is a central principle of the Party’s Rules and Constitution. The original Draft Constitution did not contain a requirement for Constituency Parties, but the preparatory meetings following a full discussion - decided it should form a central plank of a Democratic Constitution.


8. Your claim that a number of members have been effectively expelled by the NEC/General Secretary is a lie! No member has been expelled, suspended or disciplined. Two CSLPs have been disbanded for adopting policies contrary to the Constitution of the Party. One, which had since been reconstituted, is not only flourishing but has the largest sales of Socialist News of any Branch in Britain.

Socialist News

9. The suggestion that the leadership rushed into launching a newspaper without taking advice to prepare for its launch is completely untrue. A working group comprising of journalists - including three who have signed your statement - were involved in the preparatory meetings which discussed design, layout, content, production and distribution. Ninety percent of those involved were non-NEC members. Your claim that it has been decided to centralise production of the paper in Barnsley is a lie.


I have no intention of circulating your Statement, and will not be a party to any moves designed to undermine the Constitution, structure and organisation of the Party. I have consistently made clear that this Party will not tolerate ‘internecine warfare’ or ‘factionalism’. We will not certainly countenance a Federal Structure. The success of our Party in attracting members from all the Direct Action groups, other ‘Left’ Political Parties, disaffected members of ‘New Labour’ and people who had simply lost faith in Political Parties altogether, is a testament to both our Party and its Constitution.

Yours fraternally

Arthur Scargill
General Secretary, June 13 1997