
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Fresh start for Campaign for a Marxist Party

29 Nov 2007

In a rebuff to sectarians and halfway house supporters, the recall conference of the Campaign for a Marxist Party put it on a much sounder basis last Saturday. The tiny, unrepresentative Democratic Socialist Alliance faction that had dominated the committee for over a year, doing little or nothing, was replaced. Jim Moody reports

A rough guide

22 Nov 2007

The Campaign for a Marxist Party holds its reconvened conference this weekend. Jack Conrad looks at the main motions, amendments and political issues

Maintaining the pretence

22 Nov 2007

Posing left, pretending to be a victim, but talking only to itself, the SWP's rump of Respect could not raise the tone of its rally-cum-conference beyond the banal. Not only has the SWP lost around 500 members, writes Jim Moody, but its leadership has learnt nothing from the Respect debacle

Renewal of populism

22 Nov 2007

The Galloway version of Respect is taking confidence from its common anti-SWPism, writes Peter Manson. But the lack of clarity inherited from its parent means it cannot be a vehicle for working class advance

Can the SA arise from the ashes?

15 Nov 2007

Dave Craig thinks the Socialist Alliance might have a future

Salvage operation

15 Nov 2007

There are now two Respects nationally. And in Tower Hamlets - more than anywhere else - this split is replicated on the ground. Simon Wells reports on the latest conflicts

The futility and absurdity of halfway house projects

15 Nov 2007

As both wings of the organisation once known as Respect gather for 'conferences' in London, there is a good deal or hype and unfounded official optimism in the air, says Peter Manson

Two Respects, two dead ends

08 Nov 2007

John Rees has achieved what he set out to do in provoking a split, writes Peter Manson. But it is a pyrrhic victory, leaving the SWP more isolated than ever

Ditch the strategic illusion

08 Nov 2007

Pro-Tehran apologetics in the Stop the War Coalition represents a kind of nostalgia for the 'anti-imperialist front', writes Mike Macnair

Lies cannot stop imperialists

08 Nov 2007

In her speech to the October 27 conference of the Stop the War Coalition, Somaye Zadeh of Campaign Iran tried to counter the imperialist lies about the Tehran regime with misinformation of her own. Yassamine Mather insists upon the truth

In the footsteps of WRP?

01 Nov 2007

The pro-Iran apologetics at the Stop the War conference brought back unsavoury memories of Gerry Healy's 'Libyan gold'. James Turley examines the history

Filling a political gap

01 Nov 2007

Yassamine Mather of Hopi spoke to Mark Fischer after the Stop the War Coalition conference

Friends of Tehran

01 Nov 2007

The annual conference of the Stop the War Coalition upheld the decision to exclude Hands Off the People of Iran and Communist Students. Mohsen Sabbagh reports

Wot? No left?

25 Oct 2007

In the fight between George Galloway and the SWP, Mike Macnair is reminded of the debate between the Bukharinite 'rights' and the Stalinists in 1929-33

After his Moscow, Rees faces his Waterloo

25 Oct 2007

The leadership of the Socialist Workers Party is not only fighting Galloway and his allies in Respect. Peter Manson shows that there is growing discontent in the ranks of the SWP itself

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