
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Accentuate the positive

14 Jan 2010

At last the establishment of a left unity electoral coalition has been confirmed by the highly secretive 'core group'. But, asks Mike Macnair, is this unity built on sand?

No coalition with 'son of No2EU'

19 Nov 2009

Issues of left and right are not so clear-cut when it comes to Respect. Mike Macnair reports on its annual conference, held in Birmingham on Saturday November 14

Left unity - at what cost?

04 Dec 2008

Parti Socialiste leader Melenchon aims to be new Mitterrand, writes Jean-Michel Edwin

Down with utopia!

08 May 2008

The bankruptcy of the neoliberal model has created a vacuum for alternatives, writes Boris Kagarlitsky. If we do not fill it from the left, it will be filled from the right

Carry on regardless

28 Feb 2008

It is time for the SWP membership to call a halt to the leadership's stubborn GLA charade, argues Peter Manson

From SWP to Cameron's Tories

21 Feb 2008

Jim Moody asks if rank and file SWP members will challenge their leadership on its electoral follies

I did it for my community

21 Feb 2008

Tower Hamlets councillor Ahmed Hussain has defected from Respect-SWP to the Conservatives, making them the official opposition on the council. He spoke to Jim Moody

Roots of Stalinism

14 Feb 2008

Results of research in the Moscow archives throws up new insights on the post-revolution period. Phil Kent reports

Conway scandal silence

07 Feb 2008

They just keep on coming - yet another financial scandal ripples through Westminster. James Turley looks at the facts, the lessons and the embarrassment of the SWP

Rank and filism beckons

07 Feb 2008

Alan Stevens reports on the Organising For Fighting Unions London day school

No respect for socialist principle

31 Jan 2008

The story of Respect is nearing its end. Peter Manson looks back at the saga of SWP opportunism. This article was originally commissioned by the Russian journal Levaya Politika (Left Politics)

What next for Campaign for a Marxist Party?

20 Dec 2007

Following the election of a new committee of which he is a member, Hillel Ticktin gives his thoughts on the tasks of the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Past, present and future

20 Dec 2007

The struggle to equip the working class with a Communist Party has been long, arduous but absolutely necessary. The theme of a talk given by John Bridge at Communist University 2007

Crisis can no longer be hidden

06 Dec 2007

The crisis that split apart Respect is now enveloping the SWP itself. Peter Manson looks at the bitter debate within the organisation

New communism versus old Marxism

29 Nov 2007

Steve Freeman of the Revolutionary Democratic Group accuses the CPGB of voting against its own politics at the CMP conference

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