
Party & Programme > Marxist unity

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Not in front of the children

27 Sep 2007

In private, behind the backs of the voting public and the working class, the SWP is said to have been circulating an 'information pack', which supposedly exposes the truth about George Galloway. Jim Moody demands politics

Sober up or spiral down further into irrationality

27 Sep 2007

The CMP's national committee clearly lacks legitimacy. Despite that, because of that, it decided to pre-empt our national conference and appoint a Bonapartist chair. A panic measure. John Bridge reports

Demise imminent

20 Sep 2007

Exactly how and when Respect will meet its end is impossible to tell, writes Peter Manson. But, judging by what the SWP leaders are saying, it is not long for this world

PC language and fudging differences

20 Sep 2007

Marxists should not be afraid to call a spade a spade, writes Mark Fischer

Leave it to the Taliban

20 Sep 2007

Phil Kent reports on the day school on Afghanistan, organised by the Stop the War Coalition

Make or break moment

20 Sep 2007

Here, the CPGB introduces its motions to conference - if you support them, sign up now!

George Galloway demands the scalp of John Rees - so do we

13 Sep 2007

Following the failure of the SWP to reach an accommodation with George Galloway, is John Rees now preparing for a final showdown at Respect's annual conference in November? Peter Manson reports on the latest developments

More of the same

13 Sep 2007

Around 100 students gathered at London's School of Oriental and African Studies on Saturday September 8 for what was billed as a student Stop the War "conference". Nick Jones reports

George Galloway's rebellion rocks SWP

06 Sep 2007

Peter Manson looks at the civil war being fought out in the run-up to the November 17-18 conference

Trust and workable democracy

02 Aug 2007

Steve Freeman defends his proposal to limit CPGB participation in the Campaign for a Marxist Party and denies it is anarcho-bureaucratic

Respect - the party for everybody

02 Aug 2007

Businessman Harun Miah is Respect's candidate in the August 9 council by-election in Shadwell, Tower Hamlets. He defeated the SWP's nominee in Respect's selection meeting and is being opposed by former Labour leader of the council Michael Keith. The by-election was sparked when sitting Respect councillor Shamim Chowdhury resigned, at first citing "changed personal circumstances", but then launching a bitter attack on his former colleagues. Harun Miah spoke to Peter Manson

What stage are we at?

28 Jun 2007

Steve Freeman assesses the CMP conference from the point of view of a halfway house advocate

Halfway debate

28 Jun 2007

Mary Godwin reports on the June 23 debate 'What kind of programme?', organised by the Campaign for a Marxist Party

Frayed tempers and mischievous motions

28 Jun 2007

Patrick Presland reports on the national conference of the Campaign for a Marxist Party on June 23

How to build Marxist unity

21 Jun 2007

CPGB makes no concrete suggestions for actually building a Marxist party, argues Phil Sharpe of the Democratic Socialist Alliance

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