
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Fight for revolutionary internationalism

07 May 1998

As Europe unites from above, so must those below

Referendum silence

07 May 1998

Around the left

TUC prepares retreat

30 Apr 1998

Monks will not reclaim our rights

Backing Blair on May 22

30 Apr 1998

Around the left

Communist challenge

30 Apr 1998

Learn the lessons of Magnet defeat

30 Apr 1998

Hague rallies to Blair peace

23 Apr 1998

Making a mass impact

09 Apr 1998

Danny Hammill reports on the April 7 meeting of the London Socialist Alliance, where it discussed which position to take on Blair’s May 7 rigged referendum

Blair touts for business

02 Apr 1998

The de-Labourisation of Labour continues

Turning fantasy into reality

02 Apr 1998

Around the left

For democracy

02 Apr 1998

Under Blair’s May 7 rigged referendum Londoners will not have the option of voting for an assembly without a mayor, or any say in the powers of the new London assembly

Reclaiming our rights

26 Mar 1998

Trade union bureaucrats are not so happy with Blair now - but they distrust the rank and file far more

Cracks appear in ‘Cool Britannia’

19 Mar 1998

The love-in with New Labour has turned sour - and angry

New Labour, new corruption

12 Mar 1998

While New Labour fiddles, the left prepares to fight

Boycott Blair referendum

12 Mar 1998

Government proposals for a strong London mayor and a weak Greater London Authority must be rejected

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