
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Step forward

10 Dec 1998

Party notes

Abolish the second chamber

10 Dec 1998

While Blair pushes for a ‘modernised’ House of Lords, the working class must go further and champion the fullest democracy

A covert coalition

19 Nov 1998

Lib-Lab agreement marks another step towards bourgeois realignment

New Labour plays happy families

19 Nov 1998

Michael Malkin discusses Labour’s green paper

Lords a-leaping

15 Oct 1998

Millbank in control

08 Oct 1998

Labour Party conference

TUC on its knees

24 Sep 1998

Blair may have sent a batch of his ministers to last week’s TUC. But his plans for the realignment of British politics include the complete marginalisation of the unions

Art of revolution

30 Jul 1998

Lisa Goldman, artistic director of the Red Room, spoke at Marxism 98 earlier this month. Here we present edited highlights

Spending spree veils new attack

23 Jul 1998

After two years of continuing the Tories’ squeeze on health and education New Labour is now playing the bountiful benefactor for all it is worth. Workers should not be fooled

World Cup chauvinism

18 Jun 1998

Rioting England fans have set back Labour’s ‘Cool Britannia’ project

Tories wait in wings

28 May 1998

Peace process fragile despite referendum success

Labourism at work

28 May 1998

Government issues ‘Fairness at work’ white paper

No to ‘sentimental anti-imperialism’

21 May 1998

Blair wants to relieve symptoms by easing debt burden

Begging the question

21 May 1998

Around the left

Our flag stays red

14 May 1998

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