
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

One fight, inside and out

12 Apr 2012

What are the tasks of communists in relation to the Labour Party? Mike Macnair answers some key questions

Glasman's new old pantomime

12 Jan 2012

Blogger Steve Hanson critiques Maurice Glasman's take on Labour, race and class

Dreaming of 1945

24 Nov 2011

The time for reformist timidity is long passed, argues Maciej Zurowski in his report of the Labour Representation Committee's annual conference

Labour needs Marxism

13 Oct 2011

Workers must aim to take the organisations of the movement - including the Labour Party - away from the bureaucracy's control. Alex John reports on last weekend's aggregate of CPGB members

Suffocating lack of democracy

06 Oct 2011

Delegate Jim Moody gives his impressions of the Liverpool Labour Party conference

Off-colour Blairites

29 Sep 2011

Ed Miliband is being attacked from the right, argues James Turley

Miliband reassures capital

29 Sep 2011

Peter Manson considers Ed Miliband's vacuous speech to Labour Party conference

Labour debate: diversionary and doomed to fail

11 Aug 2011

Labour is not moving to the left or opening up, says Chris Strafford. We need a rethink and a plan B

Labour debate: repackaging of a tenuous argument

11 Aug 2011

James Turley responds to Chris Strafford

Faith, flag, family, socialism?

02 Jun 2011

'Blue Labour' is the latest fad to enrapture the leadership of the Labour Party. James Turley probes into its appeal for 'Red' Ed

Welsh Labour rejects coalition

12 May 2011

Gareth Evans recognises a threat of mass redundancies and cuts in services

Stop fostering illusions

07 Apr 2011

Dave Vincent also takes issue with the CPGB's aim of transforming the Labour Party and asks: What is up with some leading lights within the CPGB?

Labour dead end and our strategy

07 Apr 2011

Chris Strafford takes issue with the CPGB's aim of transforming the Labour Party

Debating Labour left and left Labourism

31 Mar 2011

Alex John reports on the March 27 aggregate of CPGB members and supporters in London

Kick Lord Hutton out of the Labour Party

17 Mar 2011

Those who collaborate with the Con-Lib Dem coalition betray the working class and bring discredit to the Labour Party, writes Eddie Ford

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