
Democracy & State > Labour

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

What the left thinks of Ed

07 Oct 2010

Jim Gilbert rounds up the response of the left to Labour's new leader

CNWP: dead men's shoes

30 Sep 2010

Phil Kent examines the continuing project to replace the Labour Party

On the anti-war side

30 Sep 2010

Peter Manson argues for comrades' consistency

Welcome to the old new enemy within

30 Sep 2010

New Labour is officially dead and Labourite class collaborationism has a new name, argues Eddie Ford

Diane Abbott: class matters

23 Sep 2010

We must draw lines of demarcation

No vote for Abbott

16 Sep 2010

Eleven CPGB comrades dissent

Debating the Labour leadership contest

16 Sep 2010

Opposition to the CPGB call to give a critical vote for Diane Abbott is based on leftist abstentionism, argues Peter Manson

Blair's liberalism and the toxic Gordon Brown

09 Sep 2010

In the last analysis Tony Blair and Gordon Brown had different political projects, argues Eddie Ford

Vote preference one for Abbott ... and fuck warmongering ex-ministers

09 Sep 2010

In the ballot for Labour Party leader, which closes on September 22, the CPGB calls for critical support for Diane Abbott, no support for the four ex-ministers and the expulsion of all coalition collaborators. Alex John argues the case

Expel the collaborators

26 Aug 2010

James Turley questions the nature of Labour as an organisation

Labour Party and communist strategy

24 Jun 2010

Is there space within Labour to struggle for democracy and a left revival? Peter Manson reports on the CPGB debate

War on the working class

24 Jun 2010

The 'nasty medicine' served up by George Osborne and the coalition government will provoke resistance and pull the Labour Party to the left, predicts Eddie Ford

Where now for the left?

10 Jun 2010

The Labour left has a constant tendency to look to its right for allies, writes Ben Lewis

Use opportunity of Diane Abbott leadership bid

10 Jun 2010

Rightwing scheming as well as John McDonnell's withdrawal has ensured there will be a left candidate for the Labour leadership after all, writes Peter Manson

Diane Abbott splits left

27 May 2010

Communists want to see the Labour Party completely transformed, writes James Turley

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