
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Women on the frontline

12 Nov 2003

One hundred comrades crammed into the library of Conway Hall, London on November 7 to hear Yanar Mohammed of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq. Andy Hannah reports

Iraqi working class must lead resistance

06 Nov 2003

George Bush and Tony Blair are in a deepening quagmire in Iraq. That much has been clear for several months now, but things are escalating. Ian Donovan reports

Iran next in line?

30 Oct 2003

Mehdi Kia and Ardeshir Mehrdad of 'Iran Bulletin-Middle East Forum' look at the pressures on the islamic republic and call for a democratic solution from below

Heading into the camp of the enemy

30 Oct 2003

The Alliance for Workers' Liberty has been embroiled in a heated debate within its own ranks over its attitude to Zionism. Jem Jones has the latest

US eyes turn east

23 Oct 2003

The successful launch and return to earth of Shenzhou 5, China's first manned spacecraft, on October 14-15, could well turn out to be highly significant. Kit Robinson comments

'Zionist' AWL in turmoil

23 Oct 2003

Ian Donovan comments on the internal fight in the Alliance for Workers' Liberty: over the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Iraq war and the politics of the Middle East in general

A brief history of lying

01 May 2003

If Galloway proves to be innocent, he will join a large club of those who have been maligned by the intelligence services and the press for political reasons. A few examples:

Gloves come off

01 May 2003

By coming after George Galloway, the bourgeois media is trying to tarnish the whole anti-war movement, says Manny Neira

Slogan wars

01 May 2003

Jack Conrad discusses the problems of the left when it comes to opposition to an attack on Iraq

Armchair generals, or Saddam's leftwing allies

13 Mar 2003

Many on the left entertain an agenda - overt or covert - of defending the Ba'athist regime of Saddam Hussein. Jack Conrad takes them to task

Distortion, slush and chauvinism

21 Jun 2001

Michael Bray (director) Pearl Harbor 182 minutes, general release

Turkey in crisis

12 Apr 2001

Hands off Iraq

22 Feb 2001

For a working class-led people's revolution against Saddam Hussein

Rabid reaction

30 Nov 2000

Israel's pogrom

19 Oct 2000

All socialists, all defenders of the rights of the oppressed, must stand unconditionally with the Palestinian people of the West Bank and Gaza strip, and their co-nationals in Israel proper, against the murderous ethnic terror of the Israeli state. Socialists should demand, as a starting point, the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from the occupied territories, and the disarming and repatriation of the gangs of armed Jewish settlers that have encamped in these territories, whose very presence constitutes a violation of Palestinian sovereignty.

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