
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

History of Hamas

02 Feb 2006

An examination of Hamas's roots, both historical and political-theological, reveals beyond doubt that its anti-Zionism and anti-imperialism is programmatically counterrevolutionary, argues Eddie Ford. Or, to put it more starkly, in Hamas we encounter a reactionary ideology of the oppressed

Tragedy, hoaxes and Zionism

26 Jan 2006

Norman Finkelstein Beyond chutzpah: on the misuse of anti-semitism and the abuse of history Verso 2005, £16.99, pp332

Troops out now! The main enemy is imperialism!

08 Dec 2005

Paul Greenaway outlines the principled communist stance on the Iraq war and occupation

Creation of Armageddon

04 Aug 2005

It has been 60 years since anti-communism devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Eddie Ford remembers

Which way forward?

17 Mar 2005

Imperialism versus internationalism

12 Aug 2004

In this concluding article, Mike Macnair argues that our most powerful enemy is the imperialist state. That is why communists are revolutionary defeatists

Imperialism lives on

05 Aug 2004

In the second of a short series of articles, Mike Macnair examines the role of the state in the global order and looks at alternatives to the 'imperialism of free trade' theory

AWL, Iraq and 'new imperialism'

29 Jul 2004

Mike Macnair argues that the failure of the AWL to call for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq is a symptom of their flawed analysis of imperialism

What have Arabs ever done for us?

15 Jan 2004

The t.v racist Kilroy-Silk has created a wave of reactionism

Try Bush, Blair, and Saddam Hussein

18 Dec 2003

The capture of Saddam Hussein last weekend is being hailed in London and Washington as vindication of Bush and Blair's war. Yet amidst the triumphalism of the US and British governments, there is a note of caution, writes Ian Donovan

Bush, Blair - hands off Iraq!

11 Dec 2003

A campaign of solidarity with the democratic, progressive and secular forces fighting against the occupation is long overdue, argues Ian Mahoney

HQ wrecked

11 Dec 2003

Statement of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU) protesting against the attack by the US occupation forces

Turkey: Four explosions and a dud

27 Nov 2003

Following the two sets of twin explosions that rocked Istanbul within a week, Turkish and international media had a field day, running wild scare stories.

Impressions of a protest

27 Nov 2003

Thursday November 20 saw some 200,000 demonstrators answer the call of the Stop the War Coalition to show Bush and Blair what they thought of their imperialist war and occupation of Iraq.

America versus Europe

20 Nov 2003

George Bush’s four-day state visit to the United Kingdom has provoked a storm of brilliant protests and tells us something about the state of imperialism, says Jack Conrad

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