
Imperialism & War

Grounds for optimism

03 Feb 2011

Israeli socialist Moshé Machover talks to Mark Fischer about the implications of the uprising in Egypt for the whole region

Iranian left protests against apologetics

13 Jul 2006

Like the Socialist Workers Party, Monthly Review in the United States has toned down its opposition to the Iranian regime. Iranian socialists have issued this open letter in protest at its coverage of the June 12 women's demonstration in Tehran

Don't mention the regime

15 Jun 2006

The June 12 'open organising meeting' of Action Iran quickly focused on one question - should it take up a position on the nature of the Iranian regime or simply remain a 'single-issue campaign'? Tina Becker reports

Against war, for democracy

15 Jun 2006

Comrade Jamshid from the Committee to Defend the Iranian People's Rights spoke to Anne Mc Shane about his organisation and the role of the anti-war movement

Military calls the tune

15 Jun 2006

Turkey is fast approaching yet another crisis, as the AKP (Justice and Development Party) government tries to balance the interests of finance capital and the nationalistic state bureaucracy with its own mass support. Esen Uslu analyses the current situation

US workers: end of isolation

11 May 2006

View from the US left by Martin Schreader

Against war, for workers' rights

04 May 2006

Yassamine Mather reports on Iranian workers taking to the streets on May Day

Flame war reignites

16 Mar 2006

On the eve of this weekend's anti-war demonstration, another row has blown up between the two wings of the Morning Star's Communist Party of Britain over its stance on the occupation of Iraq, writes Peter Manson

Reject sanctions and the mullahs

16 Mar 2006

Open letter to the anti-war movement from Workers Left Unity Iran

Women show the way

16 Mar 2006

Yassamine Mather reports from a march of Iranian women in exile

No to US aggression, no to Iranian regime

16 Mar 2006

The tasks of the anti-war movement are twofold, argues Mehdi Kia, co-editor of Iran Bulletin - Middle East Forum

For secularism, equality and freedom

02 Mar 2006

Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq statement on International Women's Day

Basra quagmire

23 Feb 2006

Yassamine Mather (Iran Bulletin Middle East Forum and Critique) calls for solidarity with the Basra oil workers

No to war, no to mullahs

09 Feb 2006

Yassamine Mather (Critique and Iran Bulletin Middle East Forum) comments on the situation in Iran

More ballots, more bullets

02 Feb 2006

We are approaching the third anniversary of the big anti-war demonstrations before the invasion. Mike Macnair takes stock of the anti-war movement and the current situation in Iraq

No champion of the oppressed

02 Feb 2006

Socialists should not celebrate Hamas's victory in the Palestinian elections. Women and secular forces will very likely be the first to suffer, says Katherine Quinn

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